Unsere Publikationen dokumentieren die Breite und Qualität unserer Arbeit im Bereich der Gebirgsmechanik. Wir legen großen Wert darauf, unsere Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen zu teilen. Die nachfolgende Liste umfasst Arbeiten, die unsere Forschung und Anwendungen in der Gebirgsmechanik widerspiegeln.

Dissertationen & Habilitationen


  1. Knauth, M., 2018. Diskontinuumsmechanische Modellierung von Salzgesteinen (Dissertation). TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Download (26.27 MB) BibTeX

    	type = "Dissertation",
    	title = "Diskontinuumsmechanische {Modellierung} von {Salzgesteinen}",
    	language = "de",
    	school = "TU Bergakademie Freiberg",
    	author = "Knauth, Markus",
    	year = 2018,
    	file = "Knauth - Diskontinuumsmechanische Modellierung von Salzgest.pdf:files/4/Knauth - Diskontinuumsmechanische Modellierung von Salzgest.pdf:application/pdf"
  2. Günther, R.-M., 2009. Erweiterter Dehnungs-Verfestigungs-Ansatz: Phänomenologisches Stoffmodell für duktile Salzgesteine zur Beschreibung primären, sekundären und tertiären Kriechens (Dissertation). TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Download (9.94 MB) BibTeX

    	type = "Dissertation",
    	title = "Erweiterter {Dehnungs}-{Verfestigungs}-{Ansatz}: {Phänomenologisches} {Stoffmodell} für duktile {Salzgesteine} zur {Beschreibung} primären, sekundären und tertiären {Kriechens}",
    	school = "TU Bergakademie Freiberg",
    	author = "Günther, R.-M.",
    	year = 2009,
    	file = "Dissertation_Guenther_2009.pdf:files/8/Dissertation_Guenther_2009.pdf:application/pdf"
  3. Kamlot, P., 2009. Gebirgsmechanische Bewertung der geologischen Barrierefunktion des Hauptanhydrits in einem Salzbergwerk (Habilitationsschrift). TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Download (14.82 MB) BibTeX

    	type = "Habilitationsschrift",
    	title = "Gebirgsmechanische {Bewertung} der geologischen {Barrierefunktion} des {Hauptanhydrits} in einem {Salzbergwerk}",
    	school = "TU Bergakademie Freiberg",
    	author = "Kamlot, P.",
    	year = 2009,
    	file = "Habilitation_Kamlot_2009.pdf:files/6/Habilitation_Kamlot_2009.pdf:application/pdf"
  4. Minkley, W., 2004. Gebirgsmechanische Beschreibung von Entfestigung und Sprödbrucherscheinungen im Carnallitit (Habilitationsschrift). TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Download (21.23 MB) BibTeX

    	type = "Habilitationsschrift",
    	title = "Gebirgsmechanische {Beschreibung} von {Entfestigung} und {Sprödbrucherscheinungen} im {Carnallitit}",
    	language = "de",
    	school = "TU Bergakademie Freiberg",
    	author = "Minkley, W",
    	year = 2004,
    	file = "Minkley und Schreiner - IfG Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH.pdf:files/2/Minkley und Schreiner - IfG Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH.pdf:application/pdf"

Journals & Konferenzen


  1. Shao, H., Roelke, Ch., Emmerich, K., Popp, T., Koeniger, F., Schuhmann, R., Wieczorek, K., Hesser, J., 2024. Coupled Hydromechanical Modelling of a Vertical Hydraulic Sealing System Based on the Sandwich Principle. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 57(6):4355–4365. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Coupled {Hydromechanical} {Modelling} of a {Vertical} {Hydraulic} {Sealing} {System} {Based} on the {Sandwich} {Principle}",
    	volume = 57,
    	issn = "0723-2632, 1434-453X",
    	url = "https://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00603-023-03404-1",
    	doi = "10.1007/s00603-023-03404-1",
    	abstract = "For the shaft sealing of a repository for radioactive waste, a Sandwich sealing system was developed by KIT-CMM consisting of bentonite-based sealing segments (DS) and sand mixture-based equipotential segments (ES). To demonstrate the functionality of the Sandwich sealing system, various laboratory tests (MiniSandwich tests and semi-technical scale experiments) have been carried out before a large-scale experiment has been implemented in situ at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory (CH). An important coupled process in the Sandwich system is the swelling deformation of the DS while aqueous fluid penetrates into the system. Consequently, the interparticle porosity (effective porosity) of the DS decreases by swelling strain, resulting in a reduction in the permeability of the DS. Pore space of the ES also decreases slightly due to swelling stress in the adjacent DS, which also leads to a reduction in the permeability of the ES. To understand the coupled hydromechanical processes of the Sandwich sealing system, a numerical model was developed to interpret the experimental observations from the MiniSandwich tests and to parameterize different components. A linear swelling model for DS and empirical functions for the swelling deformation-induced permeability change for both DS and ES segments were introduced into the coupled model with Richards’ flow and elastic model. Sensitivity analysis with parameter variations of the most important parameters reduces the uncertainty in the system behavior.",
    	language = "en",
    	number = 6,
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	journal = "Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering",
    	author = "Shao, H. and Roelke, Ch. and Emmerich, K. and Popp, T. and Koeniger, F. and Schuhmann, R. and Wieczorek, K. and Hesser, J.",
    	month = "jun",
    	year = 2024,
    	note = "Number: 6",
    	pages = "4355--4365"
  2. Stepanek, J., Minkley, W., Syblik, J., Dostal, V., 2024. Thermodynamic analysis of compressed CO2 energy storage in salt caverns with gravel stabilization. Journal of Energy Storage 82:110509. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Thermodynamic analysis of compressed {CO2} energy storage in salt caverns with gravel stabilization",
    	volume = 82,
    	issn = "2352-152X",
    	url = "https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352152X2400094X",
    	doi = "10.1016/j.est.2024.110509",
    	abstract = "Efficient energy storage with large capacity is necessary for the future development of the energy sector, which will be partly based on renewable energy sources. These energy sources are variable in both time and space and surplus energy must be stored at times of high output and extracted when necessary. At present, pumped storage plants and, to a lesser extent, compressed air storage are such storage facilities. In this study, a thermodynamic analysis of energy storage with compressed CO2 in a closed system of two caves is performed. In addition, to increase the thermodynamic efficiency, this system is equipped with gravel as a thermal capacity term. Results from more than 420 configurations show that such a storage system can achieve efficiencies of over 60\% and powers of over 100MW depending on boundary conditions. The maximum electrical energy that can be generated reaches around 600MWh. This system shows higher efficiency using CO2 than an air system without the need for above-ground heat storage installation. Aspects affecting the performance, efficiency, and capacity of the storage system are described in detail in the paper.",
    	journal = "Journal of Energy Storage",
    	author = "Stepanek, Jan and Minkley, Wolfgang and Syblik, Jan and Dostal, Vaclav",
    	month = "mar",
    	year = 2024,
    	keywords = "CAES, Carbon dioxide, CCDES, Energy storage, Renewable energy",
    	pages = 110509
  3. Hinze, M., Wieczorek, K., Emmerich, K., Hesser, J., Furche, M., Shao, H., Jaeggi, D., Schefer, S., Nagel, T., Mayor, J., Norris, S., Chang-Seok, K., Schädle, P., García-Siñeriz, J., Schuhmann, R., Königer, F., Glaubach, U., Rölke, C., Diedel, R., 2023. Hydration and response of an experimental Sandwich shaft-sealing system at the Mont Terri rock laboratory. Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal 2:175–176. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Hydration and response of an experimental {Sandwich} shaft-sealing system at the {Mont} {Terri} rock laboratory",
    	volume = 2,
    	copyright = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/",
    	issn = "2749-4802",
    	url = "https://sand.copernicus.org/articles/2/175/2023/",
    	doi = "10.5194/sand-2-175-2023",
    	abstract = "A necessary and important component for the closure of deep geological repositories (accessed by a shaft) is a shaft-sealing system that limits the fluid inflow from the adjacent rock to the repository in the early post-closure phase and delays the release of possibly contaminated fluids from the repository at a later stage. The Sandwich system developed at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Schuhmann et al., 2009) is a multicomponent barrier that can contribute to this sealing function and is considered as part of the German shaft-sealing concept (Kudla and Herold, 2021). Its functionality has been assessed in a large-scale in situ test (the SW-A experiment) carried out at the Mont Terri rock laboratory (MTRL) in cooperation with international partners as part of the Sandwich-HP project since July 2019. The in situ test was planned as part of an international pre-project (Emmerich et al., 2019) and is accompanied by a laboratory- and semi-technical-scale test program as well as by model simulations.",
    	language = "en",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	journal = "Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal",
    	author = "Hinze, Matthias and Wieczorek, Klaus and Emmerich, Katja and Hesser, Jürgen and Furche, Markus and Shao, Hua and Jaeggi, David and Schefer, Senecio and Nagel, Thomas and Mayor, Juan Carlos and Norris, Simon and Chang-Seok, Kim and Schädle, Philipp and García-Siñeriz, José Luis and Schuhmann, Rainer and Königer, Franz and Glaubach, Uwe and Rölke, Christopher and Diedel, Ralf",
    	month = "sep",
    	year = 2023,
    	pages = "175--176"
  4. Berest, P., Gharbi, H., Blanco-Martín, L., Brouard, B., Brückner, D., DeVries, K., Hévin, G., Hofer, G., Spiers, C., Urai, J., 2023. Salt Creep: Transition Between the Low and High Stress Domains. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 56:1–12. DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Salt {Creep}: {Transition} {Between} the {Low} and {High} {Stress} {Domains}",
    	volume = 56,
    	doi = "10.1007/s00603-023-03485-y",
    	journal = "Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering",
    	author = "Berest, Pierre and Gharbi, Hakim and Blanco-Martín, Laura and Brouard, Benoit and Brückner, Dieter and DeVries, Kerry and Hévin, Grégoire and Hofer, Gerd and Spiers, Christopher and Urai, Janos",
    	month = "aug",
    	year = 2023,
    	pages = "1--12"
  5. Kamlot, W.-P., Kupper, J., Günther, R.-M., Gärtner, G., Manthee, F., 2022. Development of comprehensive 3D-models for geomechanical stability proof of the operation phase and the planned radioactive waste retrieval in the Asse II mine. In The Mechanical Behavior of Salt X., 476–487. Download (11.8 MB) URL, DOI BibTeX

    	address = "London",
    	title = "Development of comprehensive {3D}-models for geomechanical stability proof of the operation phase and the planned radioactive waste retrieval in the {Asse} {II} mine",
    	isbn = "978-1-00-329580-8",
    	url = "https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781003295808/chapters/10.1201/9781003295808-44",
    	abstract = "The Asse II mine is an over 100 years old salt mine in a steep inclining structure of a salt ridge in which radioactive waste was embedded from 1967 to 1978. Due to instability in a long-term sense, fracturing in the pillars and overhand stopes took place and a brine inflow has been observed since 1988. Considering the Atomic Energy Act (Lex Asse) the mine shall be closed after complete retrieval of all radioactive waste. IfG Leipzig is charged by the BGE, which is the operator of the mine, to give geomechanical expertise. This is mainly done by means of geomechanical modelling. In this article, a threedimensional model using FLAC3D is presented that focuses on global and local assessment. Selected calculation results on stress development in the mining system and on barrier integrity are given confirming the feasibility of one particular retrieval method at the complicated geomechanical conditions.",
    	language = "en",
    	urldate = "2024-08-01",
    	booktitle = "The {Mechanical} {Behavior} of {Salt} {X}",
    	publisher = "CRC Press",
    	author = "Kamlot, Wolf-Peter and Kupper, Johannes and Günther, Ralf-Michael and Gärtner, Grit and Manthee, Frank",
    	month = "jul",
    	year = 2022,
    	doi = "10.1201/9781003295808-44",
    	pages = "476--487",
    	file = "Kamlot et al. - 2022 - Development of comprehensive 3D-models for geomech.pdf:files/104/Kamlot et al. - 2022 - Development of comprehensive 3D-models for geomech.pdf:application/pdf"
  6. Kamlot, W.-P., Günther, R.-M., Kupper, J., Gärtner, G., Teichmann, L., 2022. 25 Jahre Gebirgsmechanische Bewertung der Schachtanlage Asse II: Herausforderungen und Entwicklung der Bewertungsgrundlagen. In 50. Geomechanik-Kolloquium.. URL BibTeX

    	address = "Sondershausen",
    	title = "25 {Jahre} {Gebirgsmechanische} {Bewertung} der {Schachtanlage} {Asse} {II}: {Herausforderungen} und {Entwicklung} der {Bewertungsgrundlagen}",
    	url = "https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364956121_25_Jahre_Gebirgsmechanische_Bewertung_der_Schachtanlage_Asse_II_Herausforderungen_und_Entwicklung_der_Bewertungsgrundlagen",
    	booktitle = "50. {Geomechanik}-{Kolloquium}",
    	author = "Kamlot, Wolf-Peter and Günther, Ralf-Michael and Kupper, Johannes and Gärtner, Grit and Teichmann, Lutz",
    	month = "may",
    	year = 2022
  7. Kupper, J., Kamlot, W.-P., Günther, R.-M., Gehne, S., Buxbaum-Conradi, C., 2022. Erweiterte gebirgsmechanische 3D-Modellierung des aktuellen geologischen Erkundungsstandes als Voraussetzung für die Rückholungsplanung. In Symposium zur Erkundung, Gewinnung und Aufbereitung von Mineralsalzen – Schaffung und Nutzung untertägiger Hohlräume im salinaren Wirtsgestein.. URL BibTeX

    	address = "Erfurt",
    	title = "Erweiterte gebirgsmechanische {3D}-{Modellierung} des aktuellen geologischen {Erkundungsstandes} als {Voraussetzung} für die {Rückholungsplanung}",
    	url = "https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364955998_Erweiterte_gebirgsmechanische_3D-Modellierung_des_aktuellen_geologischen_Erkundungsstandes_als_Voraussetzung_fur_die_Ruckholungsplanung",
    	booktitle = "Symposium zur {Erkundung}, {Gewinnung} und {Aufbereitung} von {Mineralsalzen} – {Schaffung} und {Nutzung} untertägiger {Hohlräume} im salinaren {Wirtsgestein}",
    	author = "Kupper, Johannes and Kamlot, Wolf-Peter and Günther, Ralf-Michael and Gehne, Stephan and Buxbaum-Conradi, Christian",
    	month = "",
    	year = 2022
  8. Minkley, W., Brandt, M., Dostal, V., Stepanek, J., 2022. Energy storage in salt caverns with supercritical CO2. In The Mechanical Behavior of Salt X., 639–651. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	address = "London",
    	title = "Energy storage in salt caverns with supercritical {CO2}",
    	isbn = "978-1-00-329580-8",
    	url = "https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781003295808/chapters/10.1201/9781003295808-58",
    	language = "de",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	booktitle = "The {Mechanical} {Behavior} of {Salt} {X}",
    	publisher = "CRC Press",
    	author = "Minkley, W. and Brandt, M. and Dostal, V. and Stepanek, J.",
    	collaborator = "Hangx, S.J.T. and Niemeijer, A.R. and De Bresser, J.H.P. and Spiers, C.J. and Drury, M.R. and Gazzani, M. and Fokker, P. A.",
    	month = "",
    	year = 2022,
    	doi = "10.1201/9781003295808-58",
    	pages = "639--651"
  9. Popp, T., Günther, R.-M., Naumann, D., 2021. Suitability of flat bedded salt formations in Germany as the site for a repository for heat-producing radioactive waste. Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal 1:43–44. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Suitability of flat bedded salt formations in {Germany} as the site for a repository for heat-producing radioactive waste",
    	volume = 1,
    	copyright = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/",
    	issn = "2749-4802",
    	url = "https://sand.copernicus.org/articles/1/43/2021/",
    	doi = "10.5194/sand-1-43-2021",
    	abstract = "The search for a site of a final repository for highly radioactive waste in Germany was renewed when the Site Selection Act (StandAG) came into force in 2013. In Germany the development of concepts for a final repository and safety analyses for a repository in a salt dome was prioritized for many decades, whereas repository concepts in clay and crystalline rock were first considered only two decades ago. The aim of a comparative site selection procedure is to find a site before 2031, which provides the best possible safety for the enclosure of highly radioactive waste over a time period of 1 million years.",
    	language = "en",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	journal = "Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal",
    	author = "Popp, Till and Günther, Ralf-Michael and Naumann, Dirk",
    	month = "nov",
    	year = 2021,
    	pages = "43--44"
  10. Emmerich, K., Bakker, E., Königer, F., Rölke, C., Popp, T., Häußer, S., Diedel, R., Schuhmann, R., 2021. A MiniSandwich Experiment with Blended Ca-Bentonite and Pearson Water—Hydration, Swelling, Solute Transport and Cation Exchange. Minerals 11(10):1061. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "A {MiniSandwich} {Experiment} with {Blended} {Ca}-{Bentonite} and {Pearson} {Water}—{Hydration}, {Swelling}, {Solute} {Transport} and {Cation} {Exchange}",
    	volume = 11,
    	copyright = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/",
    	issn = "2075-163X",
    	url = "https://www.mdpi.com/2075-163X/11/10/1061",
    	doi = "10.3390/min11101061",
    	abstract = "Shaft seals are geotechnical barriers in nuclear waste deposits and underground mines. The Sandwich sealing system consists of alternating sealing segments (DS) of bentonite and equipotential segments (ES). MiniSandwich experiments were performed with blended Ca-bentonite (90 mm diameter and 125 mm height) to study hydration, swelling, solute transport and cation exchange during hydration with A3 Pearson water, which resembles pore water of Opalinus Clay Formation at sandy facies. Two experiments were run in parallel with DS installed either in one-layer hydrate state (1W) or in air-dry two-layer hydrate (2W) state. Breakthrough at 0.3 MPa injection pressure occurred after 20 days and the fluid inlet was closed after 543 days, where 4289 mL and 2984 mL, respectively, passed both cells. Final hydraulic permeability was 2.0–2.7 × 10−17 m2. Cells were kept for another 142 days before dismantling. Swelling of DS resulted in slight compaction of ES. No changes in the mineralogy of the DS and ES material despite precipitated halite and sulfates occurred. Overall cation exchange capacity of the DS does not change, maintaining an overall value of 72 ± 2 cmol(+)/kg. Exchangeable Na+ strongly increased while exchangeable Ca2+ decreased. Exchangeable Mg2+ and K+ remained nearly constant. Sodium concentration in the outflow indicated two different exchange processes while the concentration of calcium and magnesium decreased potentially. Concentration of sulfate increased in the outflow, until it reached a constant value and chloride concentration decreased to a minimum before it slightly increased to a constant value. The available data set will be used to adapt numerical models for a mechanism-based description of the observed physical and geochemical processes.",
    	language = "en",
    	number = 10,
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	journal = "Minerals",
    	author = "Emmerich, Katja and Bakker, Eleanor and Königer, Franz and Rölke, Christopher and Popp, Till and Häußer, Sarah and Diedel, Ralf and Schuhmann, Rainer",
    	month = "sep",
    	year = 2021,
    	note = "Number: 10",
    	pages = 1061
  11. Lebedev, E., Kern, H., Pavlenkova, N., Lukanin, O., Lobanov, K., Zharikov, A., Popp, T., 2021. Compressional wave velocity measurements on mafic–ultramafic rocks under high aqueous fluid pressure and temperature help to explain low-velocity zones in the lithosphere. Scientific Reports 11(1):13424. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Compressional wave velocity measurements on mafic–ultramafic rocks under high aqueous fluid pressure and temperature help to explain low-velocity zones in the lithosphere",
    	volume = 11,
    	issn = "2045-2322",
    	url = "https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-92248-2",
    	doi = "10.1038/s41598-021-92248-2",
    	abstract = "Deep seismic studies have revealed that low-velocity zones mainly occurred in the continental lithosphere at the depth of 100–150 km. Their origin has not been clearly explained yet. The article demonstrates the possible scale of Vp changes in crystalline rocks of different composition. The conclusions were made on the basis of the comprehensive analysis of the experimental data obtained by the authors. The compressional wave velocities in the temperature range from 20 to 800 °C, both in dry conditions (at pressure of 600 MPa) and in the presence of aqueous fluid (at pressure of 300 MPa) were measured. It is shown that the most significant decrease of velocities (by {\textasciitilde} 3 km/s) in the temperature range of 400–700 °C, corresponding to the deep waveguides of the lithospheric mantle, occurs under water pressure in ultramafic rocks enriched by olivine (dunites). Such decrease is due to rock structure changes caused by olivine serpentinization reactions. It is assumed that serpentinization and/or formation of similar hydrous minerals, which are stable in a wide range of PT-conditions in olivine-rich mantle rocks due to the influence of deep fluids, may cause low-velocities zones in the upper mantle at depths of about 100 km.",
    	number = 1,
    	journal = "Scientific Reports",
    	author = "Lebedev, Evgeny B. and Kern, Hartmut and Pavlenkova, Ninely I. and Lukanin, Oleg A. and Lobanov, Konstantin V. and Zharikov, Andrey V. and Popp, Till",
    	month = "jun",
    	year = 2021,
    	note = "Number: 1",
    	pages = 13424
  12. Lebedev, E., Kern, H., Pavlenkova, N., Lukanin, O., Lobanov, K., Zharikov, A., Popp, T., 2021. Compressional wave velocity measurements on mafic–ultramafic rocks under high aqueous fluid pressure and temperature help to explain low-velocity zones in the lithosphere. Scientific Reports 11(1):13424. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Compressional wave velocity measurements on mafic–ultramafic rocks under high aqueous fluid pressure and temperature help to explain low-velocity zones in the lithosphere",
    	volume = 11,
    	issn = "2045-2322",
    	url = "https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-92248-2",
    	doi = "10.1038/s41598-021-92248-2",
    	abstract = "Abstract Deep seismic studies have revealed that low-velocity zones mainly occurred in the continental lithosphere at the depth of 100–150 km. Their origin has not been clearly explained yet. The article demonstrates the possible scale of Vp changes in crystalline rocks of different composition. The conclusions were made on the basis of the comprehensive analysis of the experimental data obtained by the authors. The compressional wave velocities in the temperature range from 20 to 800 °C, both in dry conditions (at pressure of 600 MPa) and in the presence of aqueous fluid (at pressure of 300 MPa) were measured. It is shown that the most significant decrease of velocities (by {\textasciitilde} 3 km/s) in the temperature range of 400–700 °C, corresponding to the deep waveguides of the lithospheric mantle, occurs under water pressure in ultramafic rocks enriched by olivine (dunites). Such decrease is due to rock structure changes caused by olivine serpentinization reactions. It is assumed that serpentinization and/or formation of similar hydrous minerals, which are stable in a wide range of PT-conditions in olivine-rich mantle rocks due to the influence of deep fluids, may cause low-velocities zones in the upper mantle at depths of about 100 km.",
    	language = "en",
    	number = 1,
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	journal = "Scientific Reports",
    	author = "Lebedev, Evgeny B. and Kern, Hartmut and Pavlenkova, Ninely I. and Lukanin, Oleg A. and Lobanov, Konstantin V. and Zharikov, Andrey V. and Popp, Till",
    	month = "jun",
    	year = 2021,
    	note = "Number: 1",
    	pages = 13424
  13. Zill, F., Lüdeling, C., Kolditz, O., Nagel, T., 2021. Hydro-mechanical continuum modelling of fluid percolation through rock salt. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 147:104879. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Hydro-mechanical continuum modelling of fluid percolation through rock salt",
    	volume = 147,
    	issn = 13651609,
    	url = "https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S136516092100263X",
    	doi = "10.1016/j.ijrmms.2021.104879",
    	abstract = "Salt caverns for storing renewably produced hydrogen underground pose a promising option to reduce CO2 emissions by improving the utilization of volatile renewable energy sources. Rock salt limits the infiltration of hydrogen into the storage cavern walls due to its favourable low permeability. However, pressure-driven percolation may create discrete pathways for the fluid and damage the cavern. Depicting this effect accurately in simulations may be crucial for assessing the long-term stability and integrity adequately. By introducing an extension to a deformation-dependent permeability model by Alonso, Olivella and Arnedo (2006) we can capture the non-linear feedback between salt deformation, permeability development and fluid migration using continuum models. Based on a quasi-isotropic arrangement of potential flow paths the model is able to reproduce pressure-driven percolation of hydrofrac experiments on rock salt specimens in terms of breakthrough pressure as well as preferential path orientation and locality. The model is implemented in the scientific open-source framework OpenGeoSys.",
    	language = "en",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	journal = "International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences",
    	author = "Zill, Florian and Lüdeling, Christoph and Kolditz, Olaf and Nagel, Thomas",
    	month = "",
    	year = 2021,
    	pages = 104879
  14. Lüdeling, C., Minkley, W., Naumann, D., 2019. Pressure-Driven Percolation in Rock Salt and Barrier Integrity in the High-p-T Regime – the PeTroS Project.. URL BibTeX

    	address = "Wien",
    	type = "Vortrag",
    	title = "Pressure-{Driven} {Percolation} in {Rock} {Salt} and {Barrier} {Integrity} in the {High}-p-{T} {Regime} – the {PeTroS} {Project}",
    	copyright = "Author(s) 2019. CC Attribution 4.0 license.",
    	shorttitle = "{EGU2019}-9882",
    	url = "https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2019/EGU2019-9882.pdf",
    	language = "en",
    	author = "Lüdeling, Christoph and Minkley, Wolfgang and Naumann, Dirk",
    	month = "",
    	year = 2019
  15. Bérest, P., Gharbi, H., Brouard, B., Brückner, D., DeVries, K., Hévin, G., Hofer, G., Spiers, C., Urai, J., 2019. Very Slow Creep Tests on Salt Samples. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 52(9):2917–2934. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Very {Slow} {Creep} {Tests} on {Salt} {Samples}",
    	volume = 52,
    	issn = "0723-2632, 1434-453X",
    	url = "http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00603-019-01778-9",
    	doi = "10.1007/s00603-019-01778-9",
    	abstract = "The objective of this paper is to assess the creep law of natural salt in a small deviatoric stress range. In this range, creep is suspected to be much faster than what is predicted by most constitutive laws used in the cavern and mining industries. Five 2-year, multistage creep tests were performed with creep-testing devices set in a gallery of the Altaussee mine in Austria to take advantage of the very stable temperature and humidity conditions in this salt mine. Each stage was 8-month long. Dead loads were applied, and vertical displacements were measured through gages that had a resolution of 12.5 nm. Loading steps were 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 MPa, which are much smaller than the loads that are usually applied during creep tests (5–20 MPa). Five salt samples were used: two samples were cored from the Avery Island salt mine in Louisiana, United States; two samples were cored from the Gorleben salt mine in Germany; and one sample was cored from a deep borehole at Hauterives in Drôme, France. During these tests, transient creep is relatively long (6–10 months). Measured steady-state strain rates ( 𝜀̇ = 10−13–10−12 s−1) are much faster (by 7–8 orders of magnitude) than those extrapolated from relatively highstress tests (σ = 5–20 MPa). When compared to n = 5 within the high-stress domain for Gorleben and Avery Island salts, a power-law stress exponent within the low-stress domain appears to be close to n = 1. These results suggest that the pressure solution may be the dominant deformation mechanism in the steady-state regime reached by the tested samples and will have important consequences for the computation of caverns or mines behavior. This project was funded by the Solution-Mining Research Institute.",
    	language = "en",
    	number = 9,
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	journal = "Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering",
    	author = "Bérest, Pierre and Gharbi, Hakim and Brouard, Benoit and Brückner, Dieter and DeVries, Kerry and Hévin, Grégoire and Hofer, Gerd and Spiers, Christopher and Urai, Janos",
    	month = "",
    	year = 2019,
    	note = "Number: 9",
    	pages = "2917--2934"
  16. Knauth, M., Minkley, W., Liu, W., Eickemeier, R., Fahland, S., Velkner, E., Kohnlenz, T., 2018. THM-Coupled Modeling of Barrier Integrity for HLW Disposal in Bedded Salt - 18289. In Report Number: INIS-US-20-WM-18289.. URL BibTeX

    	address = "Research Org.: WM Symposia, Inc., PO Box 27646, 85285-7646 Tempe, AZ (United States)",
    	title = "{THM}-{Coupled} {Modeling} of {Barrier} {Integrity} for {HLW} {Disposal} in {Bedded} {Salt} - 18289",
    	url = "https://www.osti.gov/biblio/22975434",
    	abstract = "Within the framework of the R and D project KOSINA in Germany, numerical studies analyzing the long-term integrity of a bedded salt barrier under the thermal loading of heat generating radioactive waste have been performed using different modeling approaches for various repository concepts and two geological structures. The THM-coupled calculations show an initially steep increase of temperatures in the vicinity of the HLW canisters which reduces an uplift above the repository. This in turn leads to a temporally and spatially limited reduction of horizontal stresses at the top of the salt, allowing for pressure-driven percolation of groundwater into the upper part of the hydraulic barrier. However, at any given time an undisturbed salt barrier of over 300 m remains, shielding the repository from groundwater inflow. (authors)",
    	language = "English",
    	booktitle = "Report {Number}: {INIS}-{US}-20-{WM}-18289",
    	author = "Knauth, Markus and Minkley, Wolfgang and Liu, Wenting and Eickemeier, Ralf and Fahland, Sandra and Velkner, Eike and Kohnlenz, Tatjana",
    	month = "jul",
    	year = 2018,
  17. Minkley, W., Brueckner, D., Luedeling, C., 2018. Percolation in Salt Rocks - 18652. In Report Number: INIS-US-20-WM-18652.. URL BibTeX

    	address = "Research Org.: WM Symposia, Inc., PO Box 27646, 85285-7646 Tempe, AZ (United States)",
    	title = "Percolation in {Salt} {Rocks} - 18652",
    	url = "https://www.osti.gov/biblio/22977889",
    	abstract = "We present laboratory investigations of fluid percolation in salt rocks, performed on drilled core samples, which show that natural rock salt does not become permeable at high pressures and temperatures, as had been claimed in the literature. Rather, we confirm the existence of a percolation threshold: Fluid migration is only possible when the fluid pressure equals or exceeds the lowest confining stress. The lab tests corroborate in-situ-determinations of the percolation threshold in salt formations: The threshold is given by the minimal stress in the rock mass (minimal stress criterion), and fluid pressure-driven percolation starts once it is exceeded. The hypothesis that the percolation threshold vanishes at high pressure and temperature is thus refuted by experiments on natural rock salt. These experimental tests, performed in the framework of the KOSINA project, are an important prerequisite for the proof of integrity of saliferous barriers in the disposal of radioactive waste in salt rocks. (authors)",
    	language = "English",
    	booktitle = "Report {Number}: {INIS}-{US}-20-{WM}-18652",
    	author = "Minkley, Wolfgang and Brueckner, Dieter and Luedeling, Christoph",
    	month = "jul",
    	year = 2018,
  18. Minkley, W., Mühlbauer, J., 2017. Constitutive models to describe the mechanical behavior of salt rocks and the imbedded weakness planes. In Wallner, M., Lux, K.-H., Minkley, W. and Hardy, R. (eds.), The Mechanical Behavior of Salt – Understanding of THMC Processes in Salt., 119–127. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Constitutive models to describe the mechanical behavior of salt rocks and the imbedded weakness planes",
    	isbn = "978-1-315-10650-2",
    	url = "https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781351377164/chapters/10.1201/9781315106502-14",
    	abstract = "Up to now salt rock mass has been predominantly regarded as a continuum and the mechanical effect of the present discontinuities and bedding planes have been neglected to a great extent. However, for a complete understanding of a couple of geomechanical phenomena this approach proves to be insufficient. When solving numerous practical problems in potash and rock salt mining it clearly turned out that a treatment without taking the existing bedding planes and discontinuities into account will not provide a satisfying explanation of the observed rock mechanical processes. Therefore, for a mechanical description of the complex properties of the salt rock mass a visco-elasto-plastic constitutive model is presented, which comprises the hardening/softening behavior and dilatancy effects for salt rocks, as well as a specific friction model, which comprises displacement- and velocity-dependent shear strength softening for salt bearing bedding planes.",
    	language = "en",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	booktitle = "The {Mechanical} {Behavior} of {Salt} – {Understanding} of {THMC} {Processes} in {Salt}",
    	publisher = "CRC Press",
    	author = "Minkley, W. and Mühlbauer, J.",
    	editor = "Wallner, Manfred and Lux, Karl-Heinz and Minkley, Wolfgang and Hardy, H. Reginald",
    	month = "dec",
    	year = 2017,
    	doi = "10.1201/9781315106502-14",
    	pages = "119--127"
  19. Minkley, W., Mühlbauer, J., Storch, G., 2017. Dynamic processes in salt rocks – a general approach for softening processes within the rock matrix and along bedding planes. In Wallner, M., Lux, K.-H., Minkley, W. and Hardy, R. (eds.), The Mechanical Behavior of Salt – Understanding of THMC Processes in Salt., 295–303. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Dynamic processes in salt rocks – a general approach for softening processes within the rock matrix and along bedding planes",
    	isbn = "978-1-315-10650-2",
    	url = "https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781351377164/chapters/10.1201/9781315106502-34",
    	abstract = "Understanding of the relevant failure processes is a prerequisite for dimensioning of underground mining openings. Investigation of brittle failure processes in potash mining and their simulation by rock mechanical modelling clearly demonstrate that the fracture mechanisms of slender and compact pillars are quite different. The collapse of a compact pillar is only possible if besides an overall softening of the rock coevally an accessory loss of cohesion occurs at pronounced weakness planes, particularly along the bedding planes towards the hanging and the underlying layers of the pillars. For the description of the different dynamic processes specialised constitutive models are available, which were verified with various case studies. Exemplarily, the dynamic failure event that actually occurred at the mined top of a domal carnallitite structure has been recalculated. The pronounced seismological s-wave signal which had been recorded during the event has been convincingly referred to development of a shear fracture as the relevant failure mechanism.",
    	language = "en",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	booktitle = "The {Mechanical} {Behavior} of {Salt} – {Understanding} of {THMC} {Processes} in {Salt}",
    	publisher = "CRC Press",
    	author = "Minkley, W. and Mühlbauer, J. and Storch, G.",
    	editor = "Wallner, Manfred and Lux, Karl-Heinz and Minkley, Wolfgang and Hardy, H. Reginald",
    	month = "dec",
    	year = 2017,
    	doi = "10.1201/9781315106502-34",
    	pages = "295--303"
  20. Minkley, W., Mühlbauer, J., Lüdeling, C., 2016. Dimensioning Principles in Potash and Salt: Stability and Integrity. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 49(11):4537–4555. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Dimensioning {Principles} in {Potash} and {Salt}: {Stability} and {Integrity}",
    	volume = 49,
    	issn = "0723-2632, 1434-453X",
    	shorttitle = "Dimensioning {Principles} in {Potash} and {Salt}",
    	url = "http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00603-016-1086-x",
    	doi = "10.1007/s00603-016-1086-x",
    	language = "en",
    	number = 11,
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	journal = "Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering",
    	author = "Minkley, W. and Mühlbauer, J. and Lüdeling, C.",
    	month = "nov",
    	year = 2016,
    	note = "Number: 11",
    	pages = "4537--4555"
  21. Minkley, W., Lüdeling, C., 2016. Deep Borehole Disposal in Salt Rocks.. BibTeX

    	address = "Houston, TX, USA",
    	title = "Deep {Borehole} {Disposal} in {Salt} {Rocks}",
    	language = "en",
    	author = "Minkley, W. and Lüdeling, C.",
    	month = "jun",
    	year = 2016
  22. Lüdeling, C., Minkley, W., Brückner, D., 2016. Tightness of Salt Rocks and Fluid Percolation.. BibTeX

    	address = "San Francisco",
    	title = "Tightness of {Salt} {Rocks} and {Fluid} {Percolation}",
    	language = "en",
    	author = "Lüdeling, Christoph and Minkley, Wolfgang and Brückner, Dieter",
    	month = "",
    	year = 2016
  23. Minkley, W., Lüdeling, C., 2016. Longwall Caving in Potash Mining – Geomechanical Assessment of Damage and Barrier Integrity.. BibTeX

    	address = "Houston, TX, USA",
    	title = "Longwall {Caving} in {Potash} {Mining} – {Geomechanical} {Assessment} of {Damage} and {Barrier} {Integrity}",
    	language = "en",
    	author = "Minkley, W. and Lüdeling, C.",
    	month = "",
    	year = 2016
  24. Günther, R.-M., Salzer, K., Popp, T., Lüdeling, C., 2015. Steady-State Creep of Rock Salt: Improved Approaches for Lab Determination and Modelling. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 48(6):2603–2613. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Steady-{State} {Creep} of {Rock} {Salt}: {Improved} {Approaches} for {Lab} {Determination} and {Modelling}",
    	volume = 48,
    	issn = "0723-2632, 1434-453X",
    	shorttitle = "Steady-{State} {Creep} of {Rock} {Salt}",
    	url = "http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00603-015-0839-2",
    	doi = "10.1007/s00603-015-0839-2",
    	language = "en",
    	number = 6,
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	journal = "Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering",
    	author = "Günther, R.-M. and Salzer, K. and Popp, T. and Lüdeling, C.",
    	month = "nov",
    	year = 2015,
    	note = "Number: 6",
    	pages = "2603--2613"
  25. Lüdeling, C., Günther, R.-M., Knauth, M., Minkley, W., 2015. Healing of Rock Salt Damage and Applications. In 49th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium., ARMA–2015–698. BibTeX

    	title = "Healing of {Rock} {Salt} {Damage} and {Applications}",
    	abstract = "AbstractUnder high deviatoric stresses, rock salt shows shear failure, which is accompanied by microdamage. Microscopically, damage results from the accumulation of microcracks, leading to mechanical softening, increased permeability and a volume increase, known as dilatancy, which is a convenient damage indicator since it is directly accessible in the laboratory. On the other hand, it is well-known that rock salt can heal itself: Cracks can close due to viscous creep, and cohesion is restored by physicochemical processes on contact surfaces, such that over time, the damage induced by shear failure is completely healed in suitable stress conditions. This implies that softening, and the associated dilatancy, should decrease to zero. However, the understanding of healing processes is not yet as good as e.g. of creep, both experimentally and theoretically. The IfG has developed a phenomenological approach which treats healing as a viscous two-component process, comprising a crack closure and a resealing part, such that the former dominates for large values of dilatancy with open cracks, i.e. in the postfailure regime, while the latter becomes important at lower dilatancy, where new cohesion is developed on closed crack surfaces. The approach has been included in the constitutive models of the IfG, i.e. the advanced strain-hardening model of Günther and Salzer, the elasto-visco-plastic model of Minkley and the discontinuous approach of Knauth et al. It is implemented numerically in the codes UDEC, 3DEC, FLAC and FLAC3D. In this paper we introduce the approach and implementation, and present a few simulations to validate the models. At the present stage, this should be considered a proof of principle, and further modelling and experimental efforts are certainly required.1. INTRODUCTIONFor the planning of the extraction of salt resources as well as for the safe long-term disposal of hazardous waste in deep salt formations, constitutive models are needed which comprehensively consider the visco-plastic deformation behaviour of rock salt.",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	booktitle = "49th {U}.{S}. {Rock} {Mechanics}/{Geomechanics} {Symposium}",
    	author = "Lüdeling, C. and Günther, R.-M. and Knauth, M. and Minkley, W.",
    	month = "jun",
    	year = 2015,
    	pages = "ARMA--2015--698"
  26. Minkley, W., Brückner, D., Knauth, D., Lüdeling, C., 2015. Integrity of saliferous barriers for heat-generating radioactive waste—natural analogues and geomechanical requirements. In Mechanical Behaviour of Salt VIII., 171–182. Download (15.99 MB) URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Integrity of saliferous barriers for heat-generating radioactive waste—natural analogues and geomechanical requirements",
    	isbn = "978-0-429-22596-3",
    	url = "https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781315678856/chapters/10.1201/b18393-23",
    	abstract = "We argue for the integrity and tightness of saliferous barriers over geological timescales by considering examples of large-volume gas or fluid intrusions in supercritical phases. These were created by volcanic activity about 20 million years ago and are still trapped in salt deposit today. These natural analogues serve as long-term experiments which show that complete containment of heat-generating nuclear waste in salt rocks is possible. As an alternative to crushed salt as geotechnical barrier, we propose using salt mixtures with melting points in the range of 100°C–200°C and present first experimental results. This approach combines the advantages of immediate complete containment, negligible volume compaction (thus no squeeze-out of contaminants by convergence), and retrievability at any time.",
    	language = "en",
    	urldate = "2024-08-01",
    	booktitle = "Mechanical {Behaviour} of {Salt} {VIII}",
    	publisher = "CRC Press",
    	author = "Minkley, W. and Brückner, D. and Knauth, D. and Lüdeling, C.",
    	month = "may",
    	year = 2015,
    	doi = "10.1201/b18393-23",
    	pages = "171--182",
    	file = "Roberts et al. - 2015 - Integrity of saliferous barriers for heat-generati.pdf:files/108/Roberts et al. - 2015 - Integrity of saliferous barriers for heat-generati.pdf:application/pdf"
  27. Minkley, W., Knauth, M., Fabig, T., Farag, N., 2015. Stability and integrity of salt caverns under consideration of hydro-mechanical loading. In Mechanical Behaviour of Salt VIII., 229–240. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Stability and integrity of salt caverns under consideration of hydro-mechanical loading",
    	isbn = "978-0-429-22596-3",
    	url = "https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781315678856/chapters/10.1201/b18393-30",
    	abstract = "Based on a discontinuum-mechanical modeling approach for salt rocks, hydro-mechanical coupling effects such as the pressure-driven percolation of fluids, intergranular microcracking and hydraulic fracturing can be analyzed. Within conventional geomechanical simulation approaches, salt rocks have been predominantly regarded as a continuum, and the mechanical effect of micro- and macroscopic discontinuities has been widely neglected. In the grain scale, however, polycrystalline salt represents a discontinuum constituted of intergrown crystals, whose grain boundaries are micro-mechanical weakness planes that preferably fail under mechanical and hydraulic/pneumatic loading. Constitutive models developed at the IfG for the viscoelasto-plastic behavior of the salt grains themselves and an adhesive frictional shear model for the intergranular interaction are used to describe the mechanical behavior, while the hydraulic description of fluid percolation is realized using the cubic law for laminar flow. Only after overcoming a percolation threshold (minimum principal stress) the pressure-driven opening and interconnection of flow paths along grain boundaries is initiated in the salt rock, inducing a directional percolation in the direction of the maximum principal stress. Practical applications of this modeling approach are presented, e.g. the investigation of damage and percolation processes in a cavern contour during cyclic storage or long-term abandonment.",
    	language = "en",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	booktitle = "Mechanical {Behaviour} of {Salt} {VIII}",
    	publisher = "CRC Press",
    	author = "{Minkley, W.} and {Knauth, M.} and {Fabig, T.} and {Farag, N.}",
    	month = "may",
    	year = 2015,
    	doi = "10.1201/b18393-30",
    	pages = "229--240"
  28. Fabig, T., Arnold, C., Rehmer, K.-P., Naumann, D., 2015. Fallstudie zur Bewertung der Entwicklung des Gebirgsdruckes auf rekomplettierten Gasspeicherkavernenbohrungen. DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung 2015, Fachbereich Aufsuchung und Gewinnung Celle, 22./23. April 2015. BibTeX

    	title = "Fallstudie zur {Bewertung} der {Entwicklung} des {Gebirgsdruckes} auf rekomplettierten {Gasspeicherkavernenbohrungen}",
    	issn = "978-3-941721-55-2",
    	shorttitle = "{DGMK}-{Tagungsbericht} 2015-1",
    	abstract = "Im langjährigen Betrieb von Gasspeicherkavernen können sich Erfordernisse zur komplexen Rekonstruktion der Untertagekomplettierung, z.B. aufgrund der Anforderung des Standes der Technik ergeben. Bei der Rekomplettierung werden die alte Förderinstallation und fallweise auch die Produktionsrohrtour/letzte zementierte Rohrtour entfernt. Gegebenenfalls müssen zusätzlich noch technische Rohrtouren gefräst werden. Nach dem Fräsen werden die entsprechenden Bohrlochabschnitte unterschnitten, um den noch anstehenden Zementstein zu entfernen und einen frischen Anschluss an das Gebirge herzustellen. Hieraus ergeben sich zum Teil große Bohrlochdurchmesser, dabei wird der Ringraumdurchmesser weitaus größer, als es bei Neubohrungen üblich ist. Bei Neubohrungen kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass die Rohrtour relativ schnell durch das Gebirge eingespannt wird. Neben einer entsprechenden Zementation der Produktionsrohrtour trägt die Einspannung der Rohrtour durch das Gebirge zur Dichtheit unter den festgelegten Druckverhältnissen am Rohrschuh bei. Es gibt mehrere Beispiele, bei denen im Zuge der Sanierung bzw. Rekomplettierung und somit durch das Einbringen einer neuen Zementation in einer gefrästen Altbohrung, der erforderliche Kraftschluss zwischen anstehendem Steinsalz und Bohrlochausbau nicht im erwarteten Umfang erreicht wurde. Dieser baut sich je nach Teufenlage, Gebirgstemperatur und Kriechfähigkeit des anstehenden Steinsalzes sowie dessen rheologischer Eigenschaften erst mit zunehmender Standzeit auf. Die zeitabhängige Zunahme der Einspannung kann in situ mittels Dichtheitstest in mehreren Stufen nachgewiesen werden. In der Fallstudie wurde mit Hilfe eines FDM-Modells (Finite Difference Method) der standzeit- abhängige Gebirgsdruckaufbau im Rohrschuhbereich sanierter Kavernen prognostiziert. Dabei wurde das Modell an Prüfdrücken durchgeführter Dichtheitstests kalibriert. Zur Berücksichtigung der spezifischen Eigenschaften des Zementes und des Salzgesteins wurde ein visko-elasto-plastisches Stoffmodell zur Beschreibung von Kriechen, Entfestigung und Dilatanz verwendet. Die gesteinsmechanischen Parameter wurden im Labor ermittelt und sind in das numerische Modell eingeflossen. Die Simulation beinhaltet eine vorangestellte Kavernenhistorie, um den Einfluss von Betriebszeit und Kavernenalter auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften des Salzgesteins zu berücksichtigen. Die Berechnungen wurden für zwei unterschiedliche Teufenlagen durchge- führt. Mit Hilfe der Simulation der Spannungs- und Verformungsverhältnisse im Bereich des Verbundes Casing/Zementation/Gebirge können Aussagen über den sich zeitlich entwickel- ten Gebirgsdruck getroffen werden, sodass zeitabhängig maximal zulässige Betriebsspei- cherdrücke prognostiziert werden können.",
    	journal = "DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung 2015, Fachbereich Aufsuchung und Gewinnung Celle, 22./23. April 2015",
    	author = "{Fabig, T.} and {Arnold, C.} and {Rehmer, K.-P.} and {Naumann, D.}",
    	month = "apr",
    	year = 2015
  29. Popp, T., Minkley, W., Wiedemann, M., Salzer, K., 2015. Gas-pressure-induced integrity of salt formations. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 415(1):107–122. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Gas-pressure-induced integrity of salt formations",
    	volume = 415,
    	copyright = "https://doi.org/10.15223/policy-002",
    	issn = "0305-8719, 2041-4927",
    	url = "https://www.lyellcollection.org/doi/10.1144/SP415.3",
    	doi = "10.1144/SP415.3",
    	abstract = "Besides other host rocks, rock salt formations are considered for the long-term storage of radioactive waste to exclude any threat to the biosphere. This means that the host-rock’s integrity has to be guaranteed during construction, operation and in the post-closure phase of a repository. Gas-transport properties are key issues in the long-term assessment of the storage of high-level radioactive or toxic waste in salt formations. In this context, the impacts of disturbance induced by the excavation of the underground facilities and long-term effects during recompaction of the excavation disturbed zone (EDZ) are important items but in the past significant progress has been made. However, significant gas quantities may be generated in the long term (e.g. due to anaerobic corrosion, if humidity is present), resulting in a time-dependent pressure build-up that may affect the barrier integrity if the acting minimal stress is exceeded. The objective of this paper is to review the current understanding of the gas-transport properties in a salt environment at increased gas pressures associated with a radioactive waste repository. This knowledge has mainly been developed by laboratory work and fieldwork over the last decade.",
    	language = "en",
    	number = 1,
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	journal = "Geological Society, London, Special Publications",
    	author = "Popp, Till and Minkley, Wolfgang and Wiedemann, Michael and Salzer, Klaus",
    	month = "jan",
    	year = 2015,
    	note = "Number: 1",
    	pages = "107--122"
  30. Günther, R.-M., Salzer, K., Minkley, W., Popp, T., 2015. Impact of tensile stresses and tensile fractures in rock salt on the evolution of the EDZ— capability of numerical modeling. In Mechanical Behaviour of Salt VIII., 127–138. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Impact of tensile stresses and tensile fractures in rock salt on the evolution of the {EDZ}— capability of numerical modeling",
    	isbn = "978-0-429-22596-3",
    	url = "https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781315678856/chapters/10.1201/b18393-17",
    	abstract = {Despite significant progress in the salt mechanics, particularly regarding understanding of the most important deformation and damage mechanisms, the importance of tensile failures is still largely underestimated. The time-dependent development of the "Excavation Damage Zone" (EDZ) as well as the formation of instabilities cannot be properly explained without appropriately considering tensile failures. Typical failure modes such as the spalling of contour shells and the formation of shear failures are closely related to the occurrence of tensile fractures. The IfG has developed two material laws which describe all relevant mechanisms for rock salt (e.g. stress- and time-dependent deformation related to damage or healing depending on strain rate and temperature). In addition, both approaches contain discrete formulations for tensile damage. The capability of both approaches is illustrated by means of simulations of lab test results as well as observations from different underground repositories, with plausible results. Existing deficits, e.g. experimentally derived parameter sets, are identified and suggestions for future work are given.},
    	language = "en",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	booktitle = "Mechanical {Behaviour} of {Salt} {VIII}",
    	publisher = "CRC Press",
    	author = "{Günther, R.-M.} and {Salzer, K.} and {Minkley, W.} and {Popp, T.}",
    	month = "",
    	year = 2015,
    	doi = "10.1201/b18393-17",
    	pages = "127--138"
  31. Knauth, M., Minkley, W., 2014. Modeling of the Mechanical and Hydraulic Behavior of Salt Rocks on a Discontinuum-Mechanical Basis. In 48th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium., ARMA–2014–7036. BibTeX

    	title = "Modeling of the {Mechanical} and {Hydraulic} {Behavior} of {Salt} {Rocks} on a {Discontinuum}-{Mechanical} {Basis}",
    	abstract = "AbstractThe discontinuum-mechanical modeling of salt rocks enables us to take the microstructure of polycrystalline salt rocks into account explicitly within geomechanical simulations. On a micromechanical scale, rock salts constitute a discontinuum of intergrown salt crystals. The macroscopic behavior of this system is determined by the interaction of intra- and intercrystalline properties. Essential processes like softening, fragmentation and pressure-driven percolation along grain boundaries can only be captured and explained physically by considering the microstructure of the material. Constitutive models developed at the IfG, such as the visco-elasto-plastic model for the salt grains themselves and an adhesive frictional shear model for the interaction between the grains, are used to describe the mechanical behavior, while the hydraulic description of fluid percolation is realized using the cubic law for laminar flow. Only after overcoming a percolation threshold the pressure-driven opening and interconnection of flow paths along grain boundaries is initiated in the salt rock and induces a directional percolation in the direction of the maximum principal stress. A consistent parameterization strategy based on macroscopically measured data has been developed, that is able to reproduce the deformation- and failure-behavior of salt rocks qualitatively and quantitatively based on the discontinuum-mechanical approach. The introduced method is successfully used and verified in numerous hydro-mechanical simulations of different boundary conditions, geometries and types of loading.",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	booktitle = "48th {U}.{S}. {Rock} {Mechanics}/{Geomechanics} {Symposium}",
    	author = "Knauth, M. and Minkley, W.",
    	month = "jun",
    	year = 2014,
    	pages = "ARMA--2014--7036"
  32. Lüdeling, C., Minkley, W., 2014. A Crushed–Salt Model with Creep, Compaction and Strain Softening, and Application to Tailings Heaps. In 48th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium., ARMA–2014–7037. BibTeX

    	title = "A {Crushed}–{Salt} {Model} with {Creep}, {Compaction} and {Strain} {Softening}, and {Application} to {Tailings} {Heaps}",
    	abstract = "Abstract Crushed salt is used as a backfill and sealing material for mines and underground waste repositories, and as a byproduct of potash mining it is usually stored in large above-ground tailing heaps. For the analysis of strength, permeability and heap stability in these applications, compaction needs to be taken into account.We present a constitutive model for crushed salt which comprises viscous compaction as well as intact salt properties such as creep and viscoplastic deformation with strain hardening and softening. The model is a generalised combination of the salt rock model of Minkley and the WIPP crushed salt compaction model by Sjaardema and Krieg.We validate the model on laboratory experiments, using both analytical estimates and numerical simulations with UDEC. As an application, we investigate the behaviour of tailings heaps, where the model reproduces observed compaction and related effects such as subsidence and surface cracks. Furthermore, we find a natural mechanism explaining heap stability.",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	booktitle = "48th {U}.{S}. {Rock} {Mechanics}/{Geomechanics} {Symposium}",
    	author = "Lüdeling, C. and Minkley, W.",
    	month = "jun",
    	year = 2014,
    	pages = "ARMA--2014--7037"
  33. Günther, R.-M., Salzer, K., Popp, T., Lüdeling, C., 2014. Steady State-Creep of Rock Salt - Improved Approaches for Lab Determination and Modeling to Describe Transient, Stationary and Accelerated Creep, Dilatancy and Healing. In 48th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium., ARMA–2014–7051. BibTeX

    	title = "Steady {State}-{Creep} of {Rock} {Salt} - {Improved} {Approaches} for {Lab} {Determination} and {Modeling} to {Describe} {Transient}, {Stationary} and {Accelerated} {Creep}, {Dilatancy} and {Healing}",
    	abstract = "Actual problems in geotechnical design, e.g. of underground openings for radioactive waste repositories or high-pressure gas storages, require sophisticated constitutive models and consistent parameters for rock salt that facilitate reliable prognosis of stress-dependent deformation and associated damage from the initial excavation to long times. Fortunately in the long term the response of salt masses is governed by its steady state creep behavior. However, because in experiments the time necessary to reach true steady creep rates can last time periods of some few days to years, depending mainly on temperature, an innovative but simple creep testing approach is suggested. A series of multi-step tests with loading and un-loading cycles allow a more reliable estimate of stationary creep rates in a reasonable time schedule. In completion, the advanced strain-hardening approach of Günther/Salzer is used which describes all relevant deformation properties of rock salt, e.g. creep and damage induced rock failure, comprehensively within the scope of an unified creep approach. The capability of the combination of improved creep testing procedures and accompanied modelling is demonstrated by recalculating multi-step creep at different loading and temperature conditions. Thus reliable extrapolations relevant to in-situ creep rates (10-9 to 10-13 s-1) become possible.",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	booktitle = "48th {U}.{S}. {Rock} {Mechanics}/{Geomechanics} {Symposium}",
    	author = "Günther, R.-M. and Salzer, K. and Popp, T. and Lüdeling, C.",
    	month = "jun",
    	year = 2014,
    	pages = "ARMA--2014--7051"
  34. Hampel, A., Argüello, J., Hansen, F., Günther, R., Salzer, K., Minkley, W., Lux, K.-H., Herchen, K., Düsterloh, U., Pudewills, A., Yildirim, S., Staudtmeister, K., Rokahr, R., Zapf, D., Gährken, A., Missal, C., Stahlmann, J., 2013. Benchmark Calculations of the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Rock Salt— Results from a US-German Joint Project. In 47th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium., ARMA–2013–456. BibTeX

    	title = "Benchmark {Calculations} of the {Thermo}-{Mechanical} {Behavior} of {Rock} {Salt}— {Results} from a {US}-{German} {Joint} {Project}",
    	abstract = "Since 2004, three Joint Projects on the Comparison of Constitutive Models for the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Rock Salt have been performed. The general objectives are to document, check, and compare the advanced models and modeling procedures, to validate their suitability for numerical simulations and reliability, to increase confidence in the results, and to enhance the acceptance of conclusions. This contribution focuses on the US-German collaboration in the third project phase since October 2010 with a check and comparison of the modeling of the temperature influence on the deformation behavior of rock salt. This is of particular importance for the design, operation, and evaluation of the long-term safety of underground repositories for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste in rock salt. Examples of results from specifically performed laboratory tests, from recalculations of the tests, and from benchmark calculations of a heated borehole in the Asse II salt mine in Germany are introduced. Results from the borehole calculations with the considered models are compared with each other and with in-situ measurements. They demonstrate that the models are appropriate for modeling the thermo-mechanical deformation behavior of rock salt.",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	booktitle = "47th {U}.{S}. {Rock} {Mechanics}/{Geomechanics} {Symposium}",
    	author = "Hampel, A. and Argüello, J.G. and Hansen, F.D. and Günther, R.M. and Salzer, K. and Minkley, W. and Lux, K.-H. and Herchen, K. and Düsterloh, U. and Pudewills, A. and Yildirim, S. and Staudtmeister, K. and Rokahr, R. and Zapf, D. and Gährken, A. and Missal, C. and Stahlmann, J.",
    	month = "jun",
    	year = 2013,
    	pages = "ARMA--2013--456"
  35. Minkley, W., Knauth, M., Brückner, D., 2013. Discontinuum-Mechanical Behaviour of Salt Rocks and the Practical Relevance for the Integrity of Salinar Barriers. In 47th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium., ARMA–2013–388. URL BibTeX

    	title = "Discontinuum-{Mechanical} {Behaviour} of {Salt} {Rocks} and the {Practical} {Relevance} for the {Integrity} of {Salinar} {Barriers}",
    	url = "https://onepetro.org/ARMAUSRMS/proceedings-pdf/ARMA13/All-ARMA13/ARMA-2013-388/1527014/arma-2013-388.pdf",
    	abstract = "Up to now salt rocks have been predominantly regarded as a continuum and the mechanical effect of the present discontinuities have been neglected to a great extent. However, for a complete understanding of geomechanical phenomena this approach proves to be insufficient. Discontinuum-mechanical aspects are of importance for the integrity of salinar barriers, not only in the macro-, but also in the micro-scale. In the grain scale, polycristalline salt represents a discontinuum constituted of intergrown crystal grains. Grain boundaries are micro-mechanical weakness planes that preferably fail under loading. For the mechanical description we therefore employ an elasto-visco-plastic model for the salt crystals as well as an adhesive frictional model for the grain boundaries. The discontinuum-mechanical approach has been deduced from experimental investigations in the laboratory and in situ. Based on this discontinuum-mechanical approach, hydro-mechanical coupling like the pressure-driven percolation of fluids, intergranular microcracking and hydraulic fracturing can be analyzed. The results demonstrate how the integrity of salinar barriers depends on hydro-mechanical processes on the grain-scale. The discontinuum-mechanical micro-structure of salt rocks characterizes essential properties and is the key to the physical understanding of pressure-driven percolation of fluids by the creation of connectivity within the salt rocks as soon as the fluid pressure overcomes the normal stress on the grain boundaries.",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	booktitle = "47th {U}.{S}. {Rock} {Mechanics}/{Geomechanics} {Symposium}",
    	author = "Minkley, W. and Knauth, M. and Brückner, D.",
    	month = "jun",
    	year = 2013,
    	pages = "ARMA--2013--388"
  36. Minkley, W., Berest, P., Schleinig, J., Farkas, F., Böttge, V., 2012. Dynamic back-calculation of the collapse of the Saint-Maximilien mining field during mining on rock salt in Varangéville (1873). In Mechanical Behaviour of Salt VII., 255–266. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Dynamic back-calculation of the collapse of the {Saint}-{Maximilien} mining field during mining on rock salt in {Varangéville} (1873)",
    	isbn = "978-0-429-21692-3",
    	url = "https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9780203100769/chapters/10.1201/b12041-36",
    	abstract = "On 31st October 1873 the flatly bedded mining field Saint-Maximilien of Varangéville (France) suddenly collapsed. The tremor were felt up to 10 km away, in Nancy. The back-calculation of this mining field collapse in Varangéville is the first attempt to understand and to reproduce the dynamic process of the failure of a rock salt room-and-pillar mining system using a geomechanical simulation. For the geomechanical modeling a visco-elasto-plastic model was used that describes the dilatancy and softening processes of saliniferous and non-saliniferous sediment rocks. Beyond that, a specially developed shear model was used which describes several softening or failure processes in the salinar as well as of weakening planes within the overburden. The dynamic calculation covers adequately the complex physical process of the occurred rock burst mechanism during failure of the mining field in Varangéville. It comprises the duration of the failure (ca. 2 seconds), sudden subsidence at the surface (ca. 3 meters), fissures (dilatancy) in the hanging wall rocks above the workings and open cracks at the surface above in the area of the field boundaries.",
    	language = "en",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	booktitle = "Mechanical {Behaviour} of {Salt} {VII}",
    	publisher = "CRC Press",
    	author = "{Minkley, W.} and {Berest, P.} and {Schleinig, J. P.} and {Farkas, F.} and {Böttge, V.}",
    	month = "mar",
    	year = 2012,
    	doi = "10.1201/b12041-36",
    	pages = "255--266"
  37. Manthei, G., Philipp, J., Dörner, D., Popp, T., 2012. Acoustic Emission monitoring around gas-pressure loaded boreholes in rock salt. Mechanical Behaviour of Salt VII, pages 199–206. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Acoustic {Emission} monitoring around gas-pressure loaded boreholes in rock salt",
    	url = "https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9780203100769/chapters/10.1201/b12041-28",
    	abstract = "Rock salt is a favorable rock for underground disposal and storage of radioactive waste. Significant gas quantities may be generated in the long-term (e.g. due to anaerobic corrosion, if humidity is present) resulting in a time-dependent pressure build-up. If the gas pressure would exceed the primary formation pressure pneumatic fracturing may take place in the overlying salt barrier, described as gas-frac scenario. Microcracking touches the integrity of the rock so that permeability might increase which can be directly determined only by analysis of acoustic emission. Therefore, in the following the application of acoustic emission measurements at three test sites in two salt mines is described.",
    	language = "en",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	journal = "Mechanical Behaviour of Salt VII",
    	author = "{Manthei, G.} and {Philipp, J.} and {Dörner, D.} and {Popp, T.}",
    	month = "mar",
    	year = 2012,
    	doi = "10.1201/b12041-28",
    	pages = "199--206"
  38. Günther, R.-M., Salzer, K., 2012. Advanced strain-hardening approach: A powerful creep model for rock salt with dilatancy, strength and healing. Mechanical Behaviour of Salt VII, pages 27–36. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Advanced strain-hardening approach: {A} powerful creep model for rock salt with dilatancy, strength and healing",
    	shorttitle = "Advanced strain-hardening approach",
    	url = "https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9780203100769/chapters/10.1201/b12041-6",
    	abstract = "In the last decades numerous approaches have been developed for establishing the constitutive behavior of rock salt mainly motivated by saltmining industry applications or by the possible use of excavated openings in rock salt formations as repositories for nuclear waste. Here, a detailed description of the advanced strain-hardening model is presented which is based on these physical processes and which describes all three creep phases in the scope of a creep model. It represents the actual state of long-lasting developing work performed by the authors in the recent years (e.g., Salzer 1993, Salzer et al., 1998, 1999, Günther \& Salzer 2007, Günther 2009, Günther et al., 2010).",
    	language = "en",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	journal = "Mechanical Behaviour of Salt VII",
    	author = "{Günther, Ralf-Michael} and {Salzer, Klaus}",
    	month = "",
    	year = 2012,
    	doi = "10.1201/b12041-6",
    	pages = "27--36"
  39. Günther, R.-M., Salzer, K., Popp, T., 2010. Advanced Strain - Hardening Approach Constitutive Model For Rock Salt Describing Transient, Stationary, And Accelerated Creep And Dilatancy. In 44th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium and 5th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium., ARMA–10–495. URL BibTeX

    	title = "Advanced {Strain} - {Hardening} {Approach} {Constitutive} {Model} {For} {Rock} {Salt} {Describing} {Transient}, {Stationary}, {And} {Accelerated} {Creep} {And} {Dilatancy}",
    	url = "https://onepetro.org/ARMAUSRMS/proceedings-pdf/ARMA10/All-ARMA10/ARMA-10-495/1721381/arma-10-495.pdf",
    	abstract = "In the scope of a unified approach to describe the creep behavior the constitutive model as presented here describes comprehensively the mechanical behavior of rock salt in a good approximation. In this model, hardening is used as an inner variable of state. This model has been verified by the results which were obtained when recalculating different laboratory tests. Evidently, hardening is governed by the processes of deformation and recovery on the one hand and by those of damage on the other one, i.e. the formulation of the constitutive law is based just on those processes of crystal physics which are the origin of the mechanical behavior of salt rock. These considerations have allowed demonstrating that the hardening-reducing effect of damage can be put on the same level as the dilatancy, the latter being a function both of deformation work performed above the dilatancy boundary (dilatancy work) and minimum stress which has to be determined from triaxial tests. The paper contains a complete set of equations, which are used in model calculations. Besides other host rocks salt formations are considered for the long term storage of radioactive waste due to their unique rock properties, i.e. tightness and plasticity. To exclude a threat to actual and future generations the salt barrier integrity has to be demonstrated during construction, operation and in the post-closure phase of a repository. For model calculations one needs detailed knowledge and understanding of material behavior under relevant rock conditions, e.g. the elastic properties, creep, dilatancy, damage fracture development, creep failure, failure and permeability. However, an appropriate material law is essential for long term prognosis describing the material behavior with wellbehaved equations. It is well known that the deformation of salt rock have components of elastic and visco-plastic strain. The timedependent stress-strain behavior is denoted as creep. The creep may be subdivided into the following three phases according the typical behavior in the creep test: 1. Primary creep - also denoted as transient or nonstationary creep, 2. Secondary or stationary creep, and 3. Tertiary creep or creep failure. These three creep phases are closely related, and they change into each other as a result of intra-crystalline deformation processes. Primary creep is characterized by high deformation rates which decrease continuously until a stationary creep rate is reached, i.e. the secondary creep. The creep rate controlling processes for primary creep are the dislocations which are present within the lattice structure and which start to move when stress increases. With progressing deformation, the motion capacity of the present dislocations diminishes. If deformation continues, new dislocations will be produced within the lattice. Thus, the dislocation density rises, and this process will cause an increasing resistance against deformation itself so that for maintaining a constant deformation rate an increasingly higher force is necessary or the deformation rate will decrease even when load is kept constant. In this phase the dislocation density (microscopic scale), the deformation resistance and consequently also the (macroscopic) creep rate evolve to constants (Blum, 1993).",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	booktitle = "44th {U}.{S}. {Rock} {Mechanics} {Symposium} and 5th {U}.{S}.-{Canada} {Rock} {Mechanics} {Symposium}",
    	author = "Günther, R.-M. and Salzer, K. and Popp, T.",
    	month = "jun",
    	year = 2010,
    	pages = "ARMA--10--495"
  40. Minkley, W., Wüste, U., 2008. Numerische Simulation von Entfestigungsvorgängen im Salzgebirge. In Geomonitoring, FE-Modellierung, Sturzprozesse und Massenbewegungen : Beiträge zur COG-Fachtagung, Salzburg, 2008., 58–74. URL BibTeX

    	address = "Salzburg",
    	title = "Numerische {Simulation} von {Entfestigungsvorgängen} im {Salzgebirge}",
    	isbn = "978-3-87907-476-1",
    	url = "https://www.geologie.or.at/images/OEGG/geol-ges/cog-2008/abstract_minkley.pdf",
    	language = "de",
    	booktitle = "Geomonitoring, {FE}-{Modellierung}, {Sturzprozesse} und {Massenbewegungen} : {Beiträge} zur {COG}-{Fachtagung}, {Salzburg}, 2008",
    	publisher = "Wichmann",
    	author = "Minkley, Wolfgang and Wüste, Ulrich",
    	year = 2008,
    	note = "https://www.geologie.or.at/images/OEGG/geol-ges/cog-2008/",
    	pages = "58--74"
  41. Brückner, D., Lindert, A., Wiedemann, M., 2007. The Bernburg test cavern – in situ investigations and model studies on cavern abandonment. In The Mechanical Behavior of Salt – Understanding of THMC Processes in Salt., 417–426. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	address = "Hannover",
    	title = "The {Bernburg} test cavern – in situ investigations and model studies on cavern abandonment",
    	isbn = "978-1-315-10650-2",
    	url = "https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/9781315106502-50/bernburg-test-cavern-situ-investigations-model-studies-cavern-abandonment-br%C3%BCckner-lindert-wiedemann",
    	booktitle = "The {Mechanical} {Behavior} of {Salt} – {Understanding} of {THMC} {Processes} in {Salt}",
    	author = "Brückner, Dieter and Lindert, A. and Wiedemann, M.",
    	month = "may",
    	year = 2007,
    	doi = "10.1201/9781315106502-50",
    	pages = "417--426"
  42. Minkley, W., Mühlbauer, J., 2005. Re-stabilisation of the carnallitic working areas in the Merkers potash mine. In Post-Mining.. Download (0 MB) BibTeX

    	address = "Nancy",
    	title = "Re-stabilisation of the carnallitic working areas in the {Merkers} potash mine",
    	abstract = "In the Merkers potash mine those working areas which in the past had not been dimensioned in a stable way are now stabilized by inserting rock salt as stowing material. This procedure concerns predominantly such working areas which have been opened in the carnallitite of the Thuringia seam following the room-and-pillar technique. The purpose of this type of stowing is to provide a permanent stabilization of the mine layout and thus to prevent rock burst danger. This purpose is fulfilled by limiting the de-strengthening processes running in the pillars since several dozens of years.",
    	language = "en",
    	booktitle = "Post-{Mining}",
    	author = "Minkley, W. and Mühlbauer, J.",
    	month = "nov",
    	year = 2005,
    	file = "Minkley und Mühlbauer - 2005 - Re-stabilisation of the carnallitic working areas .pdf:files/101/Minkley und Mühlbauer - 2005 - Re-stabilisation of the carnallitic working areas .pdf:application/pdf"
  43. Grünthal, G., Minkley, W., 2005. Bergbauinduzierte seismische Aktivität als Quelle seismischer Belastungen - Zur Notwendigkeit der Ergänzung der Karte der Erdbebenzonen der DIN 4149: 2005-04. Bautechnik 82(8):508–513. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Bergbauinduzierte seismische {Aktivität} als {Quelle} seismischer {Belastungen} - {Zur} {Notwendigkeit} der {Ergänzung} der {Karte} der {Erdbebenzonen} der {DIN} 4149: 2005-04",
    	volume = 82,
    	copyright = "http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/tdm\_license\_1.1",
    	issn = "0932-8351, 1437-0999",
    	shorttitle = "Bergbauinduzierte seismische {Aktivität} als {Quelle} seismischer {Belastungen} - {Zur} {Notwendigkeit} der {Ergänzung} der {Karte} der {Erdbebenzonen} der {DIN} 4149",
    	url = "https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bate.200590167",
    	doi = "10.1002/bate.200590167",
    	abstract = "Bergbauinduzierte seismische Ereignisse erreichten in der Ver- gangenheit auf dem Territorium der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Ortschaften über betroffenen Bergbaugebieten mehrfach ein bauwerksschädigendes Ausmaß. Folglich waren in der bisherigen Fassung der DIN 4149 entsprechende Gebiete im Kali-Werra- Revier mit einer Erdbebenzone ausgewiesen. Einer probabilistischen Betrachtung der Erdbebengefährdung, wie für die Neufassung der DIN 4149:2005-04 gefordert, sind induzierte seismische Ereignisse nur unzulänglich oder gar nicht zugänglich. Daher erhält die Karte der Erdbebenzonen der Neufassung der Norm keine Aussage zu induzierten Ereignis- sen. In vorliegender Arbeit werden bundesweit die Typen nicht-tekto- nischer induzierter seismischer Ereignisse betrachtet. Von besonderer Relevanz sind hierbei im Hinblick auf die deutschen Verhältnisse die induzierten Ereignisse in Bergbaugebieten mit stärksten Ereignissen im Saale-Kali-Revier und im Kali-Werra- Revier. Zu letzterem erfolgt eine detaillierte Darstellung der stärksten bisher aufgetretenen Ereignisse. Die Gefahr künftiger Ereignisse mit bauwerksschädigendem Ausmaß dürfte im Saale-Kali-Revier bei Einhaltung der Sicher- heitsrichtlinien gebannt sein. Im Werra-Kali-Revier werden nicht standsicher dimensionierte Grubenfelder durch Versatzarbeiten voraussichtlich bis zum Jahre 2015 stabilisiert. Die potentiell noch bestehende seismische Gefährdung wird in vorliegender Arbeit in Form einer deterministischen Aussage quantifiziert.",
    	language = "de",
    	number = 8,
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	journal = "Bautechnik",
    	author = "Grünthal, Gottfried and Minkley, Wolfgang",
    	month = "",
    	year = 2005,
    	note = "Number: 8",
    	pages = "508--513"
  44. Golovataya, O., Gorbatsevich, F., Kern, H., Popp, T., Smithson, S., 2003. On elastic anisotropy relation in unloaded and loaded samples of crystalline rocks. XIII Session of the Russian Acoustical Society, pages 288 – 291. BibTeX

    	title = "On elastic anisotropy relation in unloaded and loaded samples of crystalline rocks",
    	abstract = "Elastic anisotropy properties of rocks extracted from 40 to 12014 m depth of the Kola Superdeep Borehole(SG-3) were measured on the core samples by the ultrasonic method. The measurements were performed on unloaded samples under atmospheric conditions and in special apparatuses that make possible the temperature and pressure approaching in-situ conditions. In the borehole section down to 4.5 km isotropic and weakly anisotropic rocks dominate. A very important result is verification of high anisotropy of rocks from 6.3- 10.2 km. Anisotropy of rock samples from the lower section both in lab and under simulated in situ conditions is very high. However, elastic anisotropy measured on the unloaded samples can greatly differ from that determined for the rocks in situ. A high grade of elastic anisotropy of crystalline rocks from the SG-3 lower section suggests complex palaeogeodynamic history of the massif formation.",
    	journal = "XIII Session of the Russian Acoustical Society",
    	author = "Golovataya, O. and Gorbatsevich, Feliks and Kern, H. and Popp, Till and Smithson, S.",
    	month = "aug",
    	year = 2003,
    	pages = "288 -- 291"
  45. Popp, T., Kern, H., Schulze, O., 2001. Evolution of dilatancy and permeability in rock salt during hydrostatic compaction and triaxial deformation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 106(B3):4061–4078. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "Evolution of dilatancy and permeability in rock salt during hydrostatic compaction and triaxial deformation",
    	volume = 106,
    	copyright = "http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/termsAndConditions\#vor",
    	issn = "0148-0227",
    	url = "https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2000JB900381",
    	doi = "10.1029/2000JB900381",
    	abstract = "CombinedgaspermeabilityandP and\$ wavevelocitymeasuremenwtserecarried outonrocksaltsamplesfromthe Gorlebensaltdomeandthe Morslebensaltmineunder hydrostatiacndtriaxialloadingcondionsm, ostlyatroomtemperatureP.ermeabilitieisnthe as-receivseadmplveasrybetwee1n046and2xl0'20m2.Theinitiapl ermeabiilsitpyrimarily dueto decompactioinnducedbydrilling,coreretrievalandsamplepreparationH.ydrostatic loadinggivesriseto a markeddecreasoef permeabilitaynda coevalsignificanitncreaseofP and\$ wavevelocitiedsuetoprogressivcelosuroefgrainboundarcyrackst,endingtoapproacthheinsitumatripxermeabil(i{\textless}ty10'2øm2)T. heporespacseensitivoitfyPand\$ wave velocities is used to monitor the in situ state of the microstructure. Their reversals definetheboundariynthestateofstressebsetweendilatanat ndcompactivdeomain(sdilatancy boundaryD). ilatancyduringtriaxialdeformatioonf thecompacterdocksaltsampleiss found to evolvestressdependenint variousstagesT. hecrackinitiationstressincreasefsrom-•18 MPa differentiasltressat 10MPa confiningpressurteo-•30MPa atconfiningpressures above-•70MPa.Dilatancyisduetotheopeningofgrainboundaraynd(100) cleavagceracks anddependosntheappliedconfininpgressureT.heorientatioonftheopencracksisprimarily controllebdytheloadinggeometrsyystem(compressioenx,tensionA).s a consequencpee,rmeabilityincreasedsramaticallwyithprogressivdeilatancyf,ollowedbya periodof plus/minucsonstanptermeabilitdyuringstrainhardeningupto 10\%axialstrainoreven more.Thissuggestshattheevolutionof permeabilitiysnotonlya functionof dilatancybut alsoofmicrocraclkinkageI.mportantlyth, eanisotropiccrackarraywithinthesamples causesa strongdirectionadl ependencoefpermeability.",
    	language = "en",
    	number = "B3",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	journal = "Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth",
    	author = "Popp, Till and Kern, Hartmut and Schulze, Otto",
    	month = "mar",
    	year = 2001,
    	note = "Number: B3",
    	pages = "4061--4078"
  46. Minkley, W., Menzel, W., Konietzky, H., Te Kamp, L., 2001. A visco-elasto-plastic softening model and its application for solving static and dynamic stability problems in potash mining. FLAC and Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics, pages 21–27. URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "A visco-elasto-plastic softening model and its application for solving static and dynamic stability problems in potash mining",
    	url = "https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781000099607/chapters/10.1201/9781003077527-5",
    	abstract = "To describe the softening-, dilation and creep behavior of salt rocks a new visco-elasto-plastic constitutive model was developed, which is based on a modified Mohr-Coulomb model coupled with a nonlinear Burgers creep model. The material model is available as a DLL-application for the codes FLAC, FLAC3D, UDEC and 3DEC. The theoretical background, as well as practical applications, for the solution of static and dynamic stability problems in potash mines is given.",
    	language = "en",
    	urldate = "2024-07-31",
    	journal = "FLAC and Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics",
    	author = "Minkley, W. and Menzel, W. and Konietzky, H. and Te Kamp, L.",
    	month = "",
    	year = 2001,
    	doi = "10.1201/9781003077527-5",
    	pages = "21--27"
  47. Minkley, W., Menzel, W., 1995. Geomechanische Problemstellungen bei der Nachnutzung großvolumiger Kaligruben zur Hochdruckspeicherung von Gas. Erdöl Erdgas Kohle (111):260 – 265. BibTeX

    	title = "Geomechanische {Problemstellungen} bei der {Nachnutzung} großvolumiger {Kaligruben} zur {Hochdruckspeicherung} von {Gas}",
    	issn = "0179-3187",
    	abstract = "Für eine Erdgasspeicherung in ehemaligen Kaligruben ist die Standsicherheit und Dichtheit des Grubengebäudes über Jahrzehnte nachzuweisen. Berechnungen zum zeitabhängigenSystemverhalten unter den geänderten zyklischen Beanspruchungsbedingungen und zur dynamischen Systemstabilität zeigen, wie der Standsicherheitsnachweis geführt werden kann und was bei der Dimensionierung von Absperrbauwerken zu beachten ist. Zum Permeabilitätsverhalten von Salzgesteinen und zur Spannungsentlastung in den abdichtenden Salzgesteinsschichten im Bereich des Senkungszentrums von Grubenfeldern werden experimentelle Untersuchungsergebnisse vorgestellt. Im Ergebnis der geomechanischen Untersuchungen wird eine Methodik zur Festlegung des maximal zulässigen Speicherdruckes aufgezeigt.",
    	number = 111,
    	journal = "Erdöl Erdgas Kohle",
    	author = "{Minkley, W.} and {Menzel, W.}",
    	month = "jun",
    	year = 1995,
    	note = "Number: 111",
    	pages = "260 -- 265"
  48. Minkley, W., Groß, U., 1988. Zum Haftreibungsverhalten an Gesteinstrennflächen in Abhängigkeit von der Belastungsgeschichte. Felsbau 6 (4):184 – 188. BibTeX

    	title = "Zum {Haftreibungsverhalten} an {Gesteinstrennflächen} in {Abhängigkeit} von der {Belastungsgeschichte}",
    	issn = "0174-6979",
    	language = "de",
    	number = 4,
    	journal = "Felsbau 6",
    	author = "{Minkley, W.} and {Groß, U.}",
    	year = 1988,
    	note = "Number: 4",
    	pages = "184 -- 188"



  1. Friedenberg, L., Bartol, J., Bean, J., Beese, S., Bresser, J., Coulibaly, J., Czaikowski, O., Düsterloh, U., Eickemeier, R., Gartzke, A.-K., Hangx, S., Jantschik, K., Laurich, B., Lerch, C., Lerche, S., Liu, W., Lüdeling, C., Mills, M., Müller-Hoeppe, N., Oosterhout, B., Popp, T., Rabbel, O., Rahmig, M., Reedlunn, B., Rogalski, A., Rölke, C., Saruulbayar, N., Spiers, C., Svensson, J., Thiedau, J., Zemke, K., 2024 .KOMPASS-II: compaction of crushed salt for safe containment - phase 2. GRS series, number 751, Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH. Download (26.25 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Köln Garching b. München Berlin Braunschweig",
    	title = "{KOMPASS}-{II}: compaction of crushed salt for safe containment - phase 2",
    	isbn = "978-3-910548-42-8",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = "{KOMPASS}-{II}",
    	pagetotal = 381,
    	number = 751,
    	publisher = "Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit ({GRS}) {gGmbH}",
    	author = "Friedenberg, Larissa and Bartol, Jeroen and Bean, James and Beese, Steffen and Bresser, J. H. P. de and Coulibaly, Jibril B. and Czaikowski, Oliver and Düsterloh, Uwe and Eickemeier, Ralf and Gartzke, Ann-Kathrin and Hangx, Suzanne and Jantschik, Kyra and Laurich, Ben and Lerch, Christian and Lerche, Svetlana and Liu, Wenting and Lüdeling, Christoph and Mills, Melissa M. and Müller-Hoeppe, Nina and Oosterhout, Bart van and Popp, Till and Rabbel, Ole and Rahmig, Michael and Reedlunn, Benjamin and Rogalski, Abram and Rölke, Christopher and Saruulbayar, Nachinzorig and Spiers, Christopher J. and Svensson, Jan Kristoff and Thiedau, Jan and Zemke, Kornelia",
    	date = 2024,
    	langid = "english",
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E11951",
    	file = "Friedenberg et al. - 2024 - KOMPASS-II compaction of crushed salt for safe co.pdf:files/396/Friedenberg et al. - 2024 - KOMPASS-II compaction of crushed salt for safe co.pdf:application/pdf"
  2. Lux, K.-H., Wolters, R., Sun-Kurczinski, J., Herchen, K., 2022 .Verbundprojekt: Weiterentwicklung und Qualifizierung der gebirgsmechanischen Modellierung für HAW-Endlagerung im Steinsalz (WEIMOS) (Teilprojekt E: TUC). TU Clausthal. Download (23.69 MB) URL BibTeX

    	location = "Clausthal-Zellerfeld",
    	title = "Verbundprojekt: Weiterentwicklung und Qualifizierung der gebirgsmechanischen Modellierung für {HAW}-Endlagerung im Steinsalz ({WEIMOS}) (Teilprojekt E: {TUC})",
    	url = "https://doi.org/10.2314/KXP:1860216145",
    	pages = 225,
    	institution = "{TU} Clausthal",
    	author = "Lux, K.-H. and Wolters, R. and Sun-Kurczinski, J.Q. and Herchen, K.",
    	date = 2022,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E11446E",
    	file = "WEIMOS_Einzelbericht-TUC.pdf:files/445/WEIMOS_Einzelbericht-TUC.pdf:application/pdf"
  3. Epkenhans, I., Wacker, S., Stahlmann, J., 2022 .Weiterentwicklung und Qualifizierung der gebirgsmechanischen Modellierung für die HAW-Endlagerung im Steinsalz (WEIMOS) (Verbundprojekt: Teilvorhaben 5). Technische Universität Braunschweig. Download (12.02 MB) URL BibTeX

    	location = "Braunschweig",
    	title = "Weiterentwicklung und Qualifizierung der gebirgsmechanischen Modellierung für die {HAW}-Endlagerung im Steinsalz ({WEIMOS}) (Verbundprojekt: Teilvorhaben 5)",
    	url = "https://doi.org/10.2314/KXP:1860428967",
    	pages = 87,
    	institution = "Technische Universität Braunschweig",
    	author = "Epkenhans, Ida and Wacker, Svenja and Stahlmann, Joachim",
    	date = 2022,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E11446D",
    	file = "WEIMOS_Einzelbericht-TUBS.pdf:files/444/WEIMOS_Einzelbericht-TUBS.pdf:application/pdf"
  4. Yıldırım, S., Zapf, D., 2022 .BMWi-Verbundprojekt, Einzelbericht zum Teilprojekt C: Weiterentwicklung und Qualifizierung der gebirgsmechanischen Modellierung für die HAW-Endlagerung im Steinsalz (WEIMOS). Leibniz Universität Hannover. Download (24.57 MB) URL BibTeX

    	location = "Hannover",
    	title = "{BMWi}-Verbundprojekt, Einzelbericht zum Teilprojekt C: Weiterentwicklung und Qualifizierung der gebirgsmechanischen Modellierung für die {HAW}-Endlagerung im Steinsalz ({WEIMOS})",
    	url = "https://doi.org/10.2314/KXP:1879613298",
    	pages = 235,
    	institution = "Leibniz Universität Hannover",
    	author = "Yıldırım, Savaş and Zapf, Dirk",
    	date = 2022,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E11446C",
    	file = "WEIMOS_Einzelbericht-LUH.pdf:files/448/WEIMOS_Einzelbericht-LUH.pdf:application/pdf"
  5. Hampel, A., Lüdeling, C., Günther, R.-M., Salzer, K., Yilidirim, S., Zapf, D., Epkenhans, I., Wacker, S., Gährken, A., Stahlmann, J., Sun-Kurczinski, J., Wolters, R., Herchen, K., Lux, K.-H., 2022 .Verbundprojekt: Weiterentwicklung und Qualifizierung der gebirgsmechanischen Modellierung für die HAW-Endlagerung im Steinsalz (WEIMOS): Synthesebericht. Download (13.52 MB) URL BibTeX

    	title = "Verbundprojekt: Weiterentwicklung und Qualifizierung der gebirgsmechanischen Modellierung für die {HAW}-Endlagerung im Steinsalz ({WEIMOS}): Synthesebericht",
    	url = "https://doi.org/10.2314/KXP:1884491278",
    	author = "Hampel, A. and Lüdeling, C. and Günther, R.-M. and Salzer, K. and Yilidirim, S. and Zapf, D. and Epkenhans, I. and Wacker, S. and Gährken, A. and Stahlmann, J. and Sun-Kurczinski, J.Q. and Wolters, R. and Herchen, K. and Lux, K.-H.",
    	date = 2022,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E11446A bis 02E11446E",
    	file = "WEIMOS_Synthesebericht.pdf:files/449/WEIMOS_Synthesebericht.pdf:application/pdf"
  6. Lüdeling, C., Günther, R.-M., Salzer, K., Rölke, C., 2022 .Weiterentwicklung und Qualifizierung der gebirgsmechanischen Modellierung für die HAW-Endlagerung im Steinsalz (WEIMOS). IfG Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH. Download (100.28 MB) URL BibTeX

    	location = "Lei",
    	title = "Weiterentwicklung und Qualifizierung der gebirgsmechanischen Modellierung für die {HAW}-Endlagerung im Steinsalz ({WEIMOS})",
    	url = "https://doi.org/10.2314/KXP:1881111814",
    	pages = 107,
    	institution = "{IfG} Institut für Gebirgsmechanik {GmbH}",
    	author = "Lüdeling, Christoph and Günther, Ralf-Michael and Salzer, Klaus and Rölke, Christopher",
    	date = 2022,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E11446B",
    	file = "WEIMOS_Einzelbericht-IfG.pdf:files/446/WEIMOS_Einzelbericht-IfG.pdf:application/pdf"
  7. Hampel, A., 2022 .Verbundprojekt: Weiterentwicklung und Qualifizierung der gebirgsmechanischen Modellierung für die HAW-Endlagerung im Steinsalz (WEIMOS): Ergebnisbericht zu Teilprojekt A. Hampel Consulting. Download (14.27 MB) URL BibTeX

    	location = "Mainz",
    	title = "Verbundprojekt: Weiterentwicklung und Qualifizierung der gebirgsmechanischen Modellierung für die {HAW}-Endlagerung im Steinsalz ({WEIMOS}): Ergebnisbericht zu Teilprojekt A",
    	url = "https://doi.org/10.2314/KXP:1884493599",
    	pages = 108,
    	institution = "Hampel Consulting",
    	author = "Hampel, Andreas",
    	date = 2022,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E11446A",
    	file = "WEIMOS_Einzelbericht-Hampel.pdf:files/447/WEIMOS_Einzelbericht-Hampel.pdf:application/pdf"
  8. Minkley, W., Brandt, M., Brückner, D., Naumann, D., Dostál, V., Stepanek, J., Lehmann, J., Schwabe, M., Pischner, M., 2022 .Energiespeicherung in Salzkavernen mit superkritischem CO2 (ESsCO2). IfG Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH. Download (179.95 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Leipzig",
    	title = "Energiespeicherung in Salzkavernen mit superkritischem {CO}2 ({ESsCO}2)",
    	pages = 455,
    	institution = "{IfG} Institut für Gebirgsmechanik {GmbH}",
    	author = "Minkley, Wolfgang and Brandt, Matthias and Brückner, Dieter and Naumann, Dirk and Dostál, Václav and Stepanek, Jan and Lehmann, Jürgen and Schwabe, Matthias and Pischner, Martina",
    	date = 2022,
    	file = "ESsCO2_AbschlussberichtKomplett_2022.pdf:files/345/ESsCO2_AbschlussberichtKomplett_2022.pdf:application/pdf"
  9. Kudla, W., Herold, P., 2021 .Teilbericht zum Arbeitsschritt 4.1 für das Verbundvorhaben Schachtverschlüsse für Endlager für hochradioaktive Abfälle (ELSA - Phase 2): Konzeptentwicklung für Schachtverschlüsse und Test von Funktionselementen von Schachtverschlüssen. TU Bergakademie Freiberg; BGE Technology GmbH. Download (11.3 MB) URL BibTeX

    	title = "Teilbericht zum Arbeitsschritt 4.1 für das Verbundvorhaben Schachtverschlüsse für Endlager für hochradioaktive Abfälle ({ELSA} - Phase 2): Konzeptentwicklung für Schachtverschlüsse und Test von Funktionselementen von Schachtverschlüssen",
    	url = "https://www.bge-technology.de/mediathek/forschungsberichte/",
    	pages = 117,
    	institution = "{TU} Bergakademie Freiberg; {BGE} Technology {GmbH}",
    	author = "Kudla, Wolfram and Herold, Philipp",
    	date = 2021,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E11193A/B",
    	file = "ELSA-Phase-2_Teilbericht-AP4-1.pdf:files/386/ELSA-Phase-2_Teilbericht-AP4-1.pdf:application/pdf"
  10. Kudla, W., Herold, P., 2021 .Teilbericht zum Arbeitsschritt 4.3 für das Verbundvorhaben Schachtverschlüsse für Endlager für hochradioaktive Abfälle (ELSA - Phase 2): Konzeptentwicklung für Schachtverschlüsse und Test von Funktionselementen von Schachtverschlüssen. TU Bergakademie Freiberg; BGE Technology GmbH. Download (5.72 MB) URL BibTeX

    	title = "Teilbericht zum Arbeitsschritt 4.3 für das Verbundvorhaben Schachtverschlüsse für Endlager für hochradioaktive Abfälle ({ELSA} - Phase 2): Konzeptentwicklung für Schachtverschlüsse und Test von Funktionselementen von Schachtverschlüssen",
    	url = "https://www.bge-technology.de/mediathek/forschungsberichte/",
    	pages = 39,
    	institution = "{TU} Bergakademie Freiberg; {BGE} Technology {GmbH}",
    	author = "Kudla, Wolfram and Herold, Philipp",
    	date = 2021,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E11193A/B",
    	file = "ELSA-Phase-2_Teilbericht-AP4-3.pdf:files/385/ELSA-Phase-2_Teilbericht-AP4-3.pdf:application/pdf"
  11. Kudla, W., Herold, P., 2021 .Teilbericht zum Arbeitsschritt 4.5 für das Verbundvorhaben Schachtverschlüsse für Endlager für hochradioaktive Abfälle (ELSA - Phase 2): Konzeptentwicklung für Schachtverschlüsse und Test von Funktionselementen von Schachtverschlüssen. TU Bergakademie Freiberg; BGE Technology GmbH. Download (9.67 MB) URL BibTeX

    	title = "Teilbericht zum Arbeitsschritt 4.5 für das Verbundvorhaben Schachtverschlüsse für Endlager für hochradioaktive Abfälle ({ELSA} - Phase 2): Konzeptentwicklung für Schachtverschlüsse und Test von Funktionselementen von Schachtverschlüssen",
    	url = "https://www.bge-technology.de/mediathek/forschungsberichte/",
    	pages = 89,
    	institution = "{TU} Bergakademie Freiberg; {BGE} Technology {GmbH}",
    	author = "Kudla, Wolfram and Herold, Philipp",
    	date = 2021,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E11193A/B",
    	file = "ELSA-Phase-2_Teilbericht-AP4-5.pdf:files/387/ELSA-Phase-2_Teilbericht-AP4-5.pdf:application/pdf"
  12. Kudla, W., Herold, P., 2021 .Teilbericht zum Arbeitspaket 3 für das Verbundvorhaben Schachtverschlüsse für Endlager für hochradioaktive Abfälle (ELSA - Phase 2): Konzeptentwicklung für Schachtverschlüsse und Test von Funktionselementen von Schachtverschlüssen. TU Bergakademie Freiberg; BGE Technology GmbH. Download (4.97 MB) URL BibTeX

    	title = "Teilbericht zum Arbeitspaket 3 für das Verbundvorhaben Schachtverschlüsse für Endlager für hochradioaktive Abfälle ({ELSA} - Phase 2): Konzeptentwicklung für Schachtverschlüsse und Test von Funktionselementen von Schachtverschlüssen",
    	url = "https://www.bge-technology.de/mediathek/forschungsberichte/",
    	pages = 135,
    	institution = "{TU} Bergakademie Freiberg; {BGE} Technology {GmbH}",
    	author = "Kudla, Wolfram and Herold, Philipp",
    	date = 2021,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E11193A/B",
    	file = "ELSA-Phase-2_Teilbericht-AP3.pdf:files/381/ELSA-Phase-2_Teilbericht-AP3.pdf:application/pdf"
  13. Kudla, W., Herold, P., 2021 .Zusammenfassender Abschlussbericht für das Verbundvorhaben Schachtverschlüsse für Endlager für hochradioaktive Abfälle (ELSA - Phase 2): Konzeptentwicklung für Schachtverschlüsse und Test von Funktionselementen von Schachtverschlüssen. TU Bergakademie Freiberg; BGE Technology GmbH. Download (13.13 MB) URL BibTeX

    	title = "Zusammenfassender Abschlussbericht für das Verbundvorhaben Schachtverschlüsse für Endlager für hochradioaktive Abfälle ({ELSA} - Phase 2): Konzeptentwicklung für Schachtverschlüsse und Test von Funktionselementen von Schachtverschlüssen",
    	url = "https://www.bge-technology.de/mediathek/forschungsberichte/",
    	pages = 165,
    	institution = "{TU} Bergakademie Freiberg; {BGE} Technology {GmbH}",
    	author = "Kudla, Wolfram and Herold, Philipp",
    	date = 2021,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E11193A/B",
    	file = "2020_ELSA_II-ZAB.pdf:files/382/2020_ELSA_II-ZAB.pdf:application/pdf"
  14. Minkley, W., Lüdeling, C., Naumann, D., 2020 .Überprüfung des perkolationsgetriebenen Transports von Fluiden im Wirtsgestein Steinsalz unter relevanten Bedingungen für ein Endlager (PeTroS). Abschlussbericht BfE-RESFOR-006/20, IfG Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH. Download (49.22 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Leipzig",
    	title = "Überprüfung des perkolationsgetriebenen Transports von Fluiden im Wirtsgestein Steinsalz unter relevanten Bedingungen für ein Endlager ({PeTroS})",
    	url = "urn:nbn:de:0221-2020112023854",
    	number = "{BfE}-{RESFOR}-006/20",
    	institution = "{IfG} Institut für Gebirgsmechanik {GmbH}",
    	type = "Abschlussbericht",
    	author = "Minkley, Wolfgang and Lüdeling, Christoph and Naumann, Dirk",
    	date = 2020,
    	note = "{FKZ} 4717E03250",
    	file = "PeTroS_Abschlussbericht.pdf:files/395/PeTroS_Abschlussbericht.pdf:application/pdf"
  15. Bollingerfehr, W., Bertrams, N., Buhmann, D., Eickemeier, R., Fahland, S., Filbert, W., Hammer, J., Kindlein, J., Knauth, M., Liu, W., Minkley, W., Mönig, J., Popp, T., Prignitz, S., Reinhold, K., Simo, E., Thiemeyer, T., Völkner, E., Wolf, J., 2018 .KOSINA: Concept developments for a generic repository for heat-generating waste in bedded salt formations in Germany. Number BGE TEC 2018-13, BGE Technology GmbH. Download (7.39 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Peine",
    	title = "{KOSINA}: Concept developments for a generic repository for heat-generating waste in bedded salt formations in Germany",
    	pages = 132,
    	number = "{BGE} {TEC} 2018-13",
    	institution = "{BGE} Technology {GmbH}",
    	author = "Bollingerfehr, Wilhelm and Bertrams, Niklas and Buhmann, Dieter and Eickemeier, Ralf and Fahland, Sandra and Filbert, Wolfgang and Hammer, Jörg and Kindlein, Jonathan and Knauth, Markus and Liu, Wenting and Minkley, Wolfgang and Mönig, Jörg and Popp, Till and Prignitz, Sabine and Reinhold, Klaus and Simo, Eric and Thiemeyer, Tatjana and Völkner, Eike and Wolf, Jens",
    	date = 2018,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E11405",
    	file = "KOSINA-Main.pdf:files/398/KOSINA-Main.pdf:application/pdf"
  16. Kindlein, J., Buhmann, D., Mönig, J., Wolf, J., 2018 .Sicherheits- und Nachweiskonzept für ein Endlager in flach lagernden Salzformationen: Ergebnisse aus dem Vorhaben KOSINA. GRS series, number 495, Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH. Download (0.68 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Köln Garching b. München Berlin Braunschweig",
    	title = "Sicherheits- und Nachweiskonzept für ein Endlager in flach lagernden Salzformationen: Ergebnisse aus dem Vorhaben {KOSINA}",
    	isbn = "978-3-946607-80-9",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = "Sicherheits- und Nachweiskonzept für ein Endlager in flach lagernden Salzformationen",
    	pagetotal = 82,
    	number = 495,
    	publisher = "Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit ({GRS}) {gGmbH}",
    	author = "Kindlein, Jonathan and Buhmann, Dieter and Mönig, Jörg and Wolf, Jens",
    	date = 2018,
    	langid = "german",
    	file = "Kindlein et al. - 2018 - Sicherheits- und Nachweiskonzept für ein Endlager .pdf:files/402/Kindlein et al. - 2018 - Sicherheits- und Nachweiskonzept für ein Endlager .pdf:application/pdf"
  17. Liu, W., Knauth, M., Eickemeier, R., Fahland, S., Minkley, W., Popp, T., 2018 .TM- und THM-gekoppelte Modellberechnungen zur Integritätsanalyse der geologischen Barrieren in flach lagernden Salzformationen: Ergebnisse aus dem Vorhaben KOSINA. Number 9Y2015010000, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaft und Rohstoffe. Download (23.58 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Hannover",
    	title = "{TM}- und {THM}-gekoppelte Modellberechnungen zur Integritätsanalyse der geologischen Barrieren in flach lagernden Salzformationen: Ergebnisse aus dem Vorhaben {KOSINA}",
    	number = "9Y2015010000",
    	institution = "Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaft und Rohstoffe",
    	author = "Liu, Wenting and Knauth, Markus and Eickemeier, Ralf and Fahland, Sandra and Minkley, Wolfgang and Popp, Till",
    	date = 2018,
    	langid = "german",
    	file = "Liu - 2018 - TM- und THM-gekoppelte Modellberechnungen zur Inte.pdf:files/401/Liu - 2018 - TM- und THM-gekoppelte Modellberechnungen zur Inte.pdf:application/pdf"
  18. Völkner, E., Kühnlenz, T., Hammer, D., Gast, S., 2017 .Entwicklung generischer geologischer Modelle für flach lagernde Salzformationen (KOSINA). Number 9Y2015010000, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaft und Rohstoffe. Download (19.24 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Hannover",
    	title = "Entwicklung generischer geologischer Modelle für flach lagernde Salzformationen ({KOSINA})",
    	pages = 81,
    	number = "9Y2015010000",
    	institution = "Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaft und Rohstoffe",
    	author = "Völkner, Eike and Kühnlenz, Tatjana and Hammer, Dr Jörg and Gast, Sascha",
    	date = 2017,
    	langid = "german",
    	file = "Völkner et al. - 2017 - Entwicklung generischer geologischer Modelle für f.pdf:files/399/Völkner et al. - 2017 - Entwicklung generischer geologischer Modelle für f.pdf:application/pdf"
  19. Hampel, A., Herchen, K., Lux, K.-H., Günther, R.-M., Salzer, K., Minkley, W., Pudewills, A., Yilidirim, S., Rokahr, R., Missal, C., Gährken, A., Stahlmann, J., 2016 .Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von Modellberechnungen zum thermo-mechanischen Verhalten und zur Verheilung von Steinsalz – Synthesebericht –. Download (13.72 MB) BibTeX

    	title = "Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von Modellberechnungen zum thermo-mechanischen Verhalten und zur Verheilung von Steinsalz – Synthesebericht –",
    	pages = 99,
    	author = "Hampel, A. and Herchen, K. and Lux, K.-H. and Günther, R.-M. and Salzer, K. and Minkley, W. and Pudewills, A. and Yilidirim, S. and Rokahr, R. and Missal, C. and Gährken, A. and Stahlmann, J.",
    	date = 2016,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E10810 bis 02E10860",
    	file = "2016_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Synthesebericht.pdf:files/430/2016_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Synthesebericht.pdf:application/pdf"
  20. Pudewills, A., 2016 .Modellrechnungen zum thermo-mechanischen Verhalten und zur Verheilung von Steinsalz: ergebnisbericht zum Teilprojekt 3. Number KIT-SR 7708, Karlsruher Insitut für Technologie (KIT). Download (10.13 MB), DOI BibTeX

    	location = "Karlsruhe",
    	title = "Modellrechnungen zum thermo-mechanischen Verhalten und zur Verheilung von Steinsalz: ergebnisbericht zum Teilprojekt 3",
    	pages = 58,
    	number = "{KIT}-{SR} 7708",
    	institution = "Karlsruher Insitut für Technologie ({KIT})",
    	author = "Pudewills, Alexandra",
    	date = 2016,
    	doi = "10.5445/KSP/1000055540",
    	note = "{FKZ} 12E10840",
    	file = "2016_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Einzelbericht-KIT.pdf:files/435/2016_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Einzelbericht-KIT.pdf:application/pdf"
  21. Yıldırım, S., Rokahr, R., Staudtmeister, K., 2016 .Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von Modellberechnungen zum thermo-mechanischen Verhalten und zur Verheilung von Steinsalz Einzelbericht zum Teilvorhaben 4. Leibniz Universität Hannover. Download (15.89 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Hannover",
    	title = "Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von Modellberechnungen zum thermo-mechanischen Verhalten und zur Verheilung von Steinsalz Einzelbericht zum Teilvorhaben 4",
    	pages = 138,
    	institution = "Leibniz Universität Hannover",
    	author = "Yıldırım, Savaş and Rokahr, Reinhard B. and Staudtmeister, Kurt",
    	date = 2016,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E10850",
    	file = "2016_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Einzelbericht-LUH.pdf:files/429/2016_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Einzelbericht-LUH.pdf:application/pdf"
  22. Missal, C., Gährken, A., Stahlmann, J., 2016 .Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von Modellberechnungen zum thermo-mechanischen Verhalten und zur Verheilung von Steinsalz (Verbundprojekt: Teilvorhaben 6). Technische Universität Braunschweig. Download (10.72 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Braunschweig",
    	title = "Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von Modellberechnungen zum thermo-mechanischen Verhalten und zur Verheilung von Steinsalz (Verbundprojekt: Teilvorhaben 6)",
    	institution = "Technische Universität Braunschweig",
    	author = "Missal, Christian and Gährken, Andreas and Stahlmann, Joachim",
    	date = 2016,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E10860",
    	file = "2016_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Einzelbericht-TUBS.pdf:files/431/2016_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Einzelbericht-TUBS.pdf:application/pdf"
  23. Lux, K.-H., Herchen, K., Düsterloh, U., 2016 .Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von Modellberechnungen zum thermo-mechanischen Verhalten und zur Verheilung von Steinsalz (TV 5: TUC). TU Clausthal. Download (16.48 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Clausthal-Zellerfeld",
    	title = "Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von Modellberechnungen zum thermo-mechanischen Verhalten und zur Verheilung von Steinsalz ({TV} 5: {TUC})",
    	pages = 203,
    	institution = "{TU} Clausthal",
    	author = "Lux, K.-H. and Herchen, K. and Düsterloh, U.",
    	date = 2016,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E10820",
    	file = "2016_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Einzelbericht-TUC.pdf:files/432/2016_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Einzelbericht-TUC.pdf:application/pdf"
  24. Salzer, K., Günther, R.-M., Lüdeling, C., Popp, T., Naumann, D., Wiedemann, M., Weise, D., 2016 .Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von Modellberechnungen zum thermo-mechanischen Verhalten und zur Verheilung von Steinsalz; Teilvorhaben 2. Number B IfG 52/2010, IfG Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH. Download (34.53 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Leipzig",
    	title = "Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von Modellberechnungen zum thermo-mechanischen Verhalten und zur Verheilung von Steinsalz; Teilvorhaben 2",
    	pages = 184,
    	number = "B {IfG} 52/2010",
    	institution = "{IfG} Institut für Gebirgsmechanik {GmbH}",
    	author = "Salzer, Klaus and Günther, Ralf-Michael and Lüdeling, Christoph and Popp, Till and Naumann, Dirk and Wiedemann, Michael and Weise, Dorothea",
    	date = 2016,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E10830",
    	file = "2016_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Einzelbericht-IfG.pdf:files/427/2016_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Einzelbericht-IfG.pdf:application/pdf"
  25. Hampel, A., 2016 .Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von Modellberechnungen zum thermo-mechanischen Verhalten und zur Verheilung von Steinsalz – Ergebnisbericht zum Teilvorhaben 1 –. Hampel Consulting. Download (19.47 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Mainz",
    	title = "Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von Modellberechnungen zum thermo-mechanischen Verhalten und zur Verheilung von Steinsalz – Ergebnisbericht zum Teilvorhaben 1 –",
    	pages = 108,
    	institution = "Hampel Consulting",
    	author = "Hampel, Andreas",
    	date = 2016,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E10810",
    	file = "2016_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Einzelbericht-Hampel.pdf:files/433/2016_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Einzelbericht-Hampel.pdf:application/pdf"
  26. Thomauske, B., Charlier, F., 2013 .Forschungs- und Entwicklungsbedarf auf Basis der Erkenntnisse aus der VSG sowie Empfehlungen. GRS series, number 304, GRS. Download (0.33 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Garching",
    	title = "Forschungs- und Entwicklungsbedarf auf Basis der Erkenntnisse aus der {VSG} sowie Empfehlungen",
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-83-0",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = "Forschungs- und Entwicklungsbedarf auf Basis der Erkenntnisse aus der {VSG} sowie Empfehlungen",
    	pagetotal = 50,
    	number = 304,
    	publisher = "{GRS}",
    	author = "Thomauske, Bruno and Charlier, Frank",
    	date = 2013,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 14 ; Vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Thomauske und Charlier - 2013 - Forschungs- und Entwicklungsbedarf auf Basis der E.pdf:files/477/Thomauske und Charlier - 2013 - Forschungs- und Entwicklungsbedarf auf Basis der E.pdf:application/pdf"
  27. Fischer-Appelt, K., Baltes, B., Buhmann, D., Larue, J., Mönig, J., 2013 .Synthesebericht für die VSG. GRS series, number 290, GRS. Download (10.07 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Köln",
    	title = "Synthesebericht für die {VSG}",
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-66-3",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = "Synthesebericht für die {VSG}",
    	pagetotal = 434,
    	number = 290,
    	publisher = "{GRS}",
    	author = "Fischer-Appelt, Klaus and Baltes, Bruno and Buhmann, Dieter and Larue, Jürgen and Mönig, Jörg",
    	date = 2013,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 13 ; vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Fischer-Appelt - 2013 - Synthesebericht für die VSG Bericht zum Arbeitspa.pdf:files/476/Fischer-Appelt - 2013 - Synthesebericht für die VSG Bericht zum Arbeitspa.pdf:application/pdf"
  28. Larue, J., Baltes, B., Fischer, H., Frieling, G., Kock, I., Navarro, M., Seher, H., 2013 .Radiologische Konsequenzenanalyse. GRS series, number 289, GRS. Download (8.86 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Garching",
    	title = "Radiologische Konsequenzenanalyse",
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-65-6",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = "Radiologische Konsequenzenanalyse",
    	pagetotal = 277,
    	number = 289,
    	publisher = "{GRS}",
    	author = "Larue, Jürgen and Baltes, Bruno and Fischer, Heidemarie and Frieling, Gerd and Kock, Ingo and Navarro, Martin and Seher, Holger",
    	date = 2013,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 10 ; vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Larue - 2013 - Radiologische Konsequenzenanalyse Bericht zum Arb.pdf:files/475/Larue - 2013 - Radiologische Konsequenzenanalyse Bericht zum Arb.pdf:application/pdf"
  29. Wolf, J., Behlau, J., Beuth, T., Bracke, G., Bube, C., Buhmann, D., Dresbach, C., Hammer, J., Keller, S., Kienzler, B., Klinge, H., Krone, J., Lommerzheim, A., Metz, V., Mönig, J., Mrugalla, S., Popp, T., Rübel, A., Weber, J., 2012 .FEP-Katalog für die VSG • Konzept und Aufbau. GRS series, number 282, GRS. Download (1.03 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Köln Garching b. München Berlin Braunschweig",
    	title = "{FEP}-Katalog für die {VSG} • Konzept und Aufbau",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	pagetotal = 86,
    	number = 282,
    	publisher = "{GRS}",
    	author = "Wolf, Jens and Behlau, Joachim and Beuth, Thomas and Bracke, Guido and Bube, Christiane and Buhmann, Dieter and Dresbach, Christian and Hammer, Jörg and Keller, Siegfried and Kienzler, Bernhard and Klinge, Hans and Krone, Jürgen and Lommerzheim, Andree and Metz, Volker and Mönig, Jörg and Mrugalla, Sabine and Popp, Till and Rübel, Andre and Weber, Jan Richard",
    	date = 2012,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 7; Vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "GRS-282.pdf:files/468/GRS-282.pdf:application/pdf"
  30. Pfeiffer, F., McStocker, B., Gründler, D., Ewig, F., Thomauske, B., Havenith, A., Kettler, J., 2012 .Abfallspezifikation und Mengengerüst: Basis Ausstieg aus der Kernenergienutzung. GRS series, number 278, Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH. Download (1.07 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Braunschweig",
    	title = "Abfallspezifikation und Mengengerüst: Basis Ausstieg aus der Kernenergienutzung",
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-54-2",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	pagetotal = 98,
    	number = 278,
    	publisher = "Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit ({GRS}) {gGmbH}",
    	author = "Pfeiffer, Frank and {McStocker}, Brigitta and Gründler, Detlef and Ewig, Falk and Thomauske, Bruno and Havenith, Andreas and Kettler, John",
    	date = 2012,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 3; Vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "GRS-278_neu.pdf:files/464/GRS-278_neu.pdf:application/pdf"
  31. Hammer, J., Fleig, S., Mingerzahn, G., Kühnlenz, T., Mertineit, M., Pusch, M., Schramm, M., Behlau, J., Zaretzki, B., Hesser, J., Shao, H., Köthe, A., Vogel, P., 2012 .Salzgeologische Bewertung des Einflusses von "kryogenen Klüften" und halokinetischen Deformationsprozessen auf die Integrität der geologischen Barriere des Salzstocks Gorleben. GRS series, number 273, Ges. für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS). Download (0 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Köln",
    	title = {Salzgeologische Bewertung des Einflusses von "kryogenen Klüften" und halokinetischen Deformationsprozessen auf die Integrität der geologischen Barriere des Salzstocks Gorleben},
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-49-6",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = {Salzgeologische Bewertung des Einflusses von "kryogenen Klüften" und halokinetischen Deformationsprozessen auf die Integrität der geologischen Barriere des Salzstocks Gorleben},
    	pagetotal = 96,
    	number = 273,
    	publisher = "Ges. für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit ({GRS})",
    	author = "Hammer, Jörg and Fleig, Stephanie and Mingerzahn, Gerhard and Kühnlenz, Tatjana and Mertineit, Michael and Pusch, Maximilian and Schramm, Michael and Behlau, Joachim and Zaretzki, Britta and Hesser, Jürgen and Shao, Hua and Köthe, Angelika and Vogel, Peter",
    	date = 2012,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 2 ; vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Hammer und Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit - 2012 - Salzgeologische Bewertung des Einflusses von kryo.pdf:files/484/Hammer und Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit - 2012 - Salzgeologische Bewertung des Einflusses von kryo.pdf:application/pdf"
  32. Müller-Hoeppe, N., Breustedt, M., Wolf, J., Czaikowski, O., Wieczorek, K., 2012 .Integrität geotechnischer Barrieren: Teil 2: Vertiefte Nachweisführung. GRS series, number 288, GRS. Download (16.67 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Köln",
    	title = "Integrität geotechnischer Barrieren: Teil 2: Vertiefte Nachweisführung",
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-64-9",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = "Integrität geotechnischer Barrieren",
    	pagetotal = 336,
    	number = 288,
    	publisher = "{GRS}",
    	author = "Müller-Hoeppe, Nina and Breustedt, Michael and Wolf, Johanna and Czaikowski, Oliver and Wieczorek, Klaus",
    	date = 2012,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 9.2; vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Müller-Hoeppe - 2012 - Integrität geotechnischer Barrieren Bericht zum A.pdf:files/474/Müller-Hoeppe - 2012 - Integrität geotechnischer Barrieren Bericht zum A.pdf:application/pdf"
  33. Müller-Hoeppe, N., Buhmann, D., Czaikowski, O., Engelhardt, H.-J., Herbert, H.-J., Lerch, C., Linkamp, M., Wieczorek, K., Xie, M., 2012 .Integrität geotechnischer Barrieren: Teil 1: Vorbemessung. GRS series, number 287, GRS. Download (4.76 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Köln",
    	title = "Integrität geotechnischer Barrieren: Teil 1: Vorbemessung",
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-63-2",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = "Integrität geotechnischer Barrieren",
    	pagetotal = 202,
    	number = 287,
    	publisher = "{GRS}",
    	author = "Müller-Hoeppe, Nina and Buhmann, Dieter and Czaikowski, Oliver and Engelhardt, Hans-Joachim and Herbert, Hort-Jürgen and Lerch, Christian and Linkamp, Michael and Wieczorek, Klaus and Xie, Mingliang",
    	date = 2012,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 9.2; vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Müller-Hoeppe - 2012 - Integrität geotechnischer Barrieren Bericht zum A.pdf:files/473/Müller-Hoeppe - 2012 - Integrität geotechnischer Barrieren Bericht zum A.pdf:application/pdf"
  34. Kock, I., Eickemeier, R., Frieling, G., Heusermann, S., Knauth, M., Minkley, W., Navarro, M., Nipp, H.-K., Vogel, P., 2012 .Integritätsanalyse der geologischen Barriere. GRS series, number 286, Ges. für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS). Download (7.1 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Köln",
    	title = "Integritätsanalyse der geologischen Barriere",
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-62-5",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = "Integritätsanalyse der geologischen Barriere",
    	pagetotal = 312,
    	number = 286,
    	publisher = "Ges. für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit ({GRS})",
    	author = "Kock, Ingo and Eickemeier, Ralf and Frieling, Gerd and Heusermann, Stefan and Knauth, Markus and Minkley, Wolfgang and Navarro, Martin and Nipp, Hans-Konstantin and Vogel, Peter",
    	date = 2012,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 9.1 ; vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Kock - 2012 - Integritätsanalyse der geologischen Barriere Beri.pdf:files/472/Kock - 2012 - Integritätsanalyse der geologischen Barriere Beri.pdf:application/pdf"
  35. Beuth, T., Bracke, G., Buhmann, D., Dresbach, C., Keller, S., Krone, J., Lommerzheim, A., Mönig, J., Mrugalla, S., Rübel, A., Wolf, J., 2012 .Szenarienentwicklung - Methodik und Anwendung. GRS series, number 284, GRS. Download (0 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Köln Garching b. München Berlin Braunschweig",
    	title = "Szenarienentwicklung - Methodik und Anwendung",
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-60-1",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = "Szenarienentwicklung - Methodik und Anwendung",
    	pagetotal = 655,
    	number = 284,
    	publisher = "{GRS}",
    	author = "Beuth, Thomas and Bracke, Guido and Buhmann, Dieter and Dresbach, Christian and Keller, Siegfried and Krone, Jürgen and Lommerzheim, Andree and Mönig, Jörg and Mrugalla, Sabine and Rübel, Andre and Wolf, Jens",
    	date = 2012,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 8 ; vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Beuth und Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit - 2012 - Szenarienentwicklung - Methodik und Anwendung Ber.pdf:files/470/Beuth und Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit - 2012 - Szenarienentwicklung - Methodik und Anwendung Ber.pdf:application/pdf"
  36. Wolf, J., Behlau, J., Beuth, T., Bracke, G., Bube, C., Buhmann, D., Dresbach, C., Hammer, J., Keller, S., Kienzler, B., Klinge, H., Krone, J., Lommerzheim, A., Metz, V., Mönig, J., Mrugalla, S., Popp, T., Rübel, A., Weber, J., 2012 .FEP-Katalog für die VSG. Dokumentation. Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 7 - Vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben. GRS series, number 283, Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH. Download (2.58 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Braunschweig",
    	title = "{FEP}-Katalog für die {VSG}. Dokumentation. Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 7 - Vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	pagetotal = 864,
    	number = 283,
    	publisher = "Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit ({GRS}) {gGmbH}",
    	author = "Wolf, Jens and Behlau, Joachim and Beuth, Thomas and Bracke, Guido and Bube, Christiane and Buhmann, Dieter and Dresbach, Christian and Hammer, Jörg and Keller, Siegfried and Kienzler, Bernhard and Klinge, Hans and Krone, Jürgen and Lommerzheim, Andree and Metz, Volker and Mönig, Jörg and Mrugalla, Sabine and Popp, Till and Rübel, Andre and Weber, Jan Richard",
    	date = 2012,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 7; Vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Wolf - FEP-Katalog für die VSG. Dokumentation. Bericht zu.pdf:files/469/Wolf - FEP-Katalog für die VSG. Dokumentation. Bericht zu.pdf:application/pdf"
  37. Bollingerfehr, W., Filbert, W., Dörr, S., Herold, P., Lerch, C., Burgwinkel, P., Charlier, F., Thomauske, B., Bracke, G., Kilger, R., 2012 .Endlagerauslegung und -optimierung. GRS series, number 281, Ges. für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS). Download (13.37 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Köln",
    	title = "Endlagerauslegung und -optimierung",
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-57-1",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = "Endlagerauslegung und -optimierung",
    	pagetotal = 296,
    	number = 281,
    	publisher = "Ges. für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit ({GRS})",
    	author = "Bollingerfehr, Wilhelm and Filbert, Wolfgang and Dörr, Sabine and Herold, Philipp and Lerch, Christian and Burgwinkel, Paul and Charlier, Frank and Thomauske, Bruno and Bracke, Guido and Kilger, Robert",
    	date = 2012,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 6; Vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Bollingerfehr - 2012 - Endlagerauslegung und -optimierung Bericht zum Ar.pdf:files/467/Bollingerfehr - 2012 - Endlagerauslegung und -optimierung Bericht zum Ar.pdf:application/pdf"
  38. Beuth, T., Baltes, B., Bollingerfehr, W., Buhmann, D., Charlier, F., Filbert, W., Fischer-Appelt, K., Mönig, J., Rübel, A., Wolf, J., 2012 .Untersuchungen zum menschlichen Eindringen in ein Endlager. GRS series, number 280, Ges. für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS). Download (2.93 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Köln",
    	title = "Untersuchungen zum menschlichen Eindringen in ein Endlager",
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-56-4",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = "Untersuchungen zum menschlichen Eindringen in ein Endlager",
    	pagetotal = 140,
    	number = 280,
    	publisher = "Ges. für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit ({GRS})",
    	author = "Beuth, Thomas and Baltes, Bruno and Bollingerfehr, Wilhelm and Buhmann, Dieter and Charlier, Frank and Filbert, Wolfgang and Fischer-Appelt, Klaus and Mönig, Jörg and Rübel, Andre and Wolf, Jens",
    	date = 2012,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 11 ; vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Beuth - 2012 - Untersuchungen zum menschlichen Eindringen in ein .pdf:files/466/Beuth - 2012 - Untersuchungen zum menschlichen Eindringen in ein .pdf:application/pdf"
  39. Peiffer, F., McStocker, B., 2012 .Einschätzung betrieblicher Machbarkeit von Endlagerkonzepten. GRS series, number 279, Ges. für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS). Download (0.46 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Köln",
    	title = "Einschätzung betrieblicher Machbarkeit von Endlagerkonzepten",
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-55-7",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = "Einschätzung betrieblicher Machbarkeit von Endlagerkonzepten",
    	pagetotal = 46,
    	number = 279,
    	publisher = "Ges. für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit ({GRS})",
    	author = "Peiffer, Frank and {McStocker}, Brigitta",
    	date = 2012,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 12 ; vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Peiffer und McStocker - 2012 - Einschätzung betrieblicher Machbarkeit von Endlage.pdf:files/465/Peiffer und McStocker - 2012 - Einschätzung betrieblicher Machbarkeit von Endlage.pdf:application/pdf"
  40. Mönig, J., Buhmann, D., Rübel, A., Wolf, J., Baltes, B., Fischer-Appelt, K., 2012 .Sicherheits- und Nachweiskonzept. GRS series, number 277, GRS. Download (0 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Garching",
    	title = "Sicherheits- und Nachweiskonzept",
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-53-3",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = "Sicherheits- und Nachweiskonzept",
    	pagetotal = 88,
    	number = 277,
    	publisher = "{GRS}",
    	author = "Mönig, Jörg and Buhmann, Dieter and Rübel, André and Wolf, Jens and Baltes, Bruno and Fischer-Appelt, Klaus",
    	date = 2012,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 4 Vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Mönig und Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit - 2012 - Sicherheits- und Nachweiskonzept Bericht zum Arbe.pdf:files/463/Mönig und Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit - 2012 - Sicherheits- und Nachweiskonzept Bericht zum Arbe.pdf:application/pdf"
  41. Mrugalla, S., 2012 .Geowissenschaftliche Langzeitprognose. Juli 2011 edition, GRS series, number 275, GRS. Download (18.09 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Köln",
    	edition = "Juli 2011",
    	title = "Geowissenschaftliche Langzeitprognose",
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-51-9",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = "Geowissenschaftliche Langzeitprognose",
    	pagetotal = 180,
    	number = 275,
    	publisher = "{GRS}",
    	author = "Mrugalla, Sabine",
    	date = 2012,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = ": Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 2 ; Vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Mrugalla - 2011 - Geowissenschaftliche Langzeitprognose Bericht zum.pdf:files/461/Mrugalla - 2011 - Geowissenschaftliche Langzeitprognose Bericht zum.pdf:application/pdf"
  42. Pfeiffer, F., McStocker, B., Gründler, D., Ewig, F., Thomauske, B., Havenith, A., Kettler, J., 2012 .Abfallspezifikation und Mengengerüst: Basis Laufzeitenverlängerung der Kernkraftwerke (September 2010). GRS series, number 274, GRS. Download (1.13 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Köln",
    	title = "Abfallspezifikation und Mengengerüst: Basis Laufzeitenverlängerung der Kernkraftwerke (September 2010)",
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-50-2",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = "Abfallspezifikation und Mengengerüst",
    	pagetotal = 96,
    	number = 274,
    	publisher = "{GRS}",
    	author = "Pfeiffer, Frank and {McStocker}, Brigitta and Gründler, Detlef and Ewig, Falk and Thomauske, Bruno and Havenith, Andreas and Kettler, John",
    	date = 2012,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 3 ; Vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Pfeiffer - 2011 - Abfallspezifikation und Mengengerüst Basis Laufze.pdf:files/460/Pfeiffer - 2011 - Abfallspezifikation und Mengengerüst Basis Laufze.pdf:application/pdf"
  43. Bräuer, V., Eickemeier, R., Eisenburger, D., Grissemann, C., Hesser, J., Heusermann, S., Kaiser, D., Nipp, H.-K., Nowak, T., Plischke, I., Schnier, H., Schulze, O., Sönnke, J., Weber, J., 2011 .Description of the Gorleben site. Part 4: Geotechnical exploration of the Gorleben salt dome. Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaft und Rohstoffe. Download (7.28 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Hannover",
    	title = "Description of the Gorleben site. Part 4: Geotechnical exploration of the Gorleben salt dome",
    	pages = 184,
    	institution = "Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaft und Rohstoffe",
    	author = "Bräuer, Volkmar and Eickemeier, Ralf and Eisenburger, Dieter and Grissemann, Christoph and Hesser, Jürgen and Heusermann, Stefan and Kaiser, Diethelm and Nipp, Hans-Konstantin and Nowak, Thomas and Plischke, Ingo and Schnier, Hajo and Schulze, Otto and Sönnke, Jürgen and Weber, Jan Richard",
    	date = 2011,
    	langid = "english",
    	note = "{ISBN} 978-3-510-95988-4",
    	file = "Description_Gorleben_Part4_Geotechnical_exploration_en.pdf:files/481/Description_Gorleben_Part4_Geotechnical_exploration_en.pdf:application/pdf"
  44. Mönig, J., Buhmann, D., Rübel, A., Wolf, J., Baltes, B., Pfeiffer, F., Fischer-Appelt, K., 2011 .Grundzüge des Sicherheits- und Nachweiskonzeptes. GRS series, number 271, GRS. Download (0.49 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Köln",
    	title = "Grundzüge des Sicherheits- und Nachweiskonzeptes",
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-47-2",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	shorttitle = "Grundzüge des Sicherheits- und Nachweiskonzeptes",
    	pagetotal = 64,
    	number = 271,
    	publisher = "{GRS}",
    	author = "Mönig, Jörg and Buhmann, Dieter and Rübel, André and Wolf, Jens and Baltes, Bruno and Pfeiffer, Frank and Fischer-Appelt, Klaus",
    	date = 2011,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 4 ; Vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Mönig - 2010 - Grundzüge des Sicherheits- und Nachweiskonzeptes .pdf:files/482/Mönig - 2010 - Grundzüge des Sicherheits- und Nachweiskonzeptes .pdf:application/pdf"
  45. Kukla, P., Pechnig, R., Urai, J., 2011 .Sichtung und Bewertung der Standortdaten Gorleben. GRS series, number 276, GRS. Download (2.05 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Köln Garching b. München Berlin Braunschweig",
    	title = "Sichtung und Bewertung der Standortdaten Gorleben",
    	isbn = "978-3-939355-52-6",
    	series = "{GRS}",
    	pagetotal = 162,
    	number = 276,
    	publisher = "{GRS}",
    	author = "Kukla, Peter and Pechnig, Renate and Urai, Janos",
    	date = 2011,
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "Bericht zum Arbeitspaket 2 ; vorläufige Sicherheitsanalyse für den Standort Gorleben; {VSG}",
    	file = "Kukla et al. - 2011 - Sichtung und Bewertung der Standortdaten Gorleben .pdf:files/462/Kukla et al. - 2011 - Sichtung und Bewertung der Standortdaten Gorleben .pdf:application/pdf"
  46. Bruns, J., Boetticher, L., Doose, H., Cottrell, M., Wolff, P., Günther, R.-M., Naumann, D., Popp, T., Salzer, K., 2011 .Glazigene Beeinflussung von Wirtsgesteinstypen Ton und Salz und deren Einflüsse auf die Eignung zur Aufnahme eines HAW-Endlagers. Abschlussbericht, Golder Associates GmbH. Download (20.96 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Celle",
    	title = "Glazigene Beeinflussung von Wirtsgesteinstypen Ton und Salz und deren Einflüsse auf die Eignung zur Aufnahme eines {HAW}-Endlagers",
    	pages = 292,
    	institution = "Golder Associates {GmbH}",
    	type = "Abschlussbericht",
    	author = "Bruns, Johannes and Boetticher, Lutz and Doose, Heidi and Cottrell, Mark and Wolff, Philipp and Günther, Ralf-Michael and Naumann, Dirk and Popp, Till and Salzer, Klaus",
    	date = 2011,
    	file = "Glazigene_Beeinflussung_TonSalz_2011.pdf:files/346/Glazigene_Beeinflussung_TonSalz_2011.pdf:application/pdf"
  47. Günther, R.-M., Minkley, W., Salzer, K., Popp, T., Wiedemann, M., Weise, D., 2010 .Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von 3D-Modellberechnungen zum mechanischen Langzeitverhalten von realen Untertagebauwerken im Steinsalz; Teilvorhaben 2. Number B IfG 31/2007, IfG Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH. Download (26.56 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Leipzig",
    	title = "Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von 3D-Modellberechnungen zum mechanischen Langzeitverhalten von realen Untertagebauwerken im Steinsalz; Teilvorhaben 2",
    	pages = 148,
    	number = "B {IfG} 31/2007",
    	institution = "{IfG} Institut für Gebirgsmechanik {GmbH}",
    	author = "Günther, Ralf-Michael and Minkley, Wolfgang and Salzer, Klaus and Popp, Till and Wiedemann, Michael and Weise, Dorothea",
    	date = 2010,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02C1587",
    	file = "2010_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Einzelbericht-IfG.pdf:files/422/2010_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Einzelbericht-IfG.pdf:application/pdf"
  48. Lux, K.-H., Wolters, R., Herchen, K., Düsterloh, U., 2010 .Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von 3D-Modellberechnungen zum mechanischen Langzeitverhalten eines realen Untertagebauwerks im Steinsalz: Teilprojekt 5. TU Clausthal. Download (4.39 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Clausthal",
    	title = "Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von 3D-Modellberechnungen zum mechanischen Langzeitverhalten eines realen Untertagebauwerks im Steinsalz: Teilprojekt 5",
    	pages = 120,
    	institution = "{TU} Clausthal",
    	author = "Lux, K.-H. and Wolters, R. and Herchen, K. and Düsterloh, U.",
    	date = 2010,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02C1617",
    	file = "2010_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Einzelbericht-TUC.pdf:files/423/2010_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Einzelbericht-TUC.pdf:application/pdf"
  49. Hampel, A., Günther, R.-M., Salzer, K., Minkley, W., Pudewills, A., Leuger, B., Zapf, D., Rokahr, R., Herchen, K., Wolters, R., Düsterloh, U., 2010 .Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von 3D-Modellberechnungen zum mechanischen Langzeitverhalten eines realen Untertagebauwerks im Steinsalz - Synthesebericht -. Download (16.11 MB) BibTeX

    	title = "Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen anhand von 3D-Modellberechnungen zum mechanischen Langzeitverhalten eines realen Untertagebauwerks im Steinsalz - Synthesebericht -",
    	author = "Hampel, A. and Günther, R.-M. and Salzer, K. and Minkley, W. and Pudewills, A. and Leuger, B. and Zapf, D. and Rokahr, R. and Herchen, K. and Wolters, R. and Düsterloh, U.",
    	date = 2010,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02C1577 bis 02C1617",
    	file = "2010_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Synthesebericht.pdf:files/421/2010_Stoffgesetzvergleich_Synthesebericht.pdf:application/pdf"
  50. Bornemann, O., Behlau, J., Fischbeck, R., Hammer, J., Jaritz, W., Keller, S., Mingerzahn, G., Schramm, M., 2008 .Description of the Gorleben site. Part 3: Results of the geological surface and underground exploration of the salt formation. Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaft und Rohstoffe. Download (12.68 MB) URL BibTeX

    	location = "Hannover",
    	title = "Description of the Gorleben site. Part 3: Results of the geological surface and underground exploration of the salt formation",
    	url = "http://www.schweizerbart.de/9783510959648",
    	pages = 237,
    	institution = "Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaft und Rohstoffe",
    	author = "Bornemann, Otto and Behlau, Joachim and Fischbeck, Reinhard and Hammer, Jörg and Jaritz, Werner and Keller, Siegfried and Mingerzahn, Gerhard and Schramm, Michael",
    	date = 2008,
    	langid = "english",
    	note = "{ISBN} 978-3-510-95964-8",
    	file = "Description of the Gorleben Site. Part 3 Results .pdf:files/480/Description of the Gorleben Site. Part 3 Results .pdf:application/pdf"
  51. Köthe, A., Hoffmann, N., Krull, P., Zirngast, M., Zwirner, R., 2007 .Description of the Gorleben site. Part 2: Geology of the ovberburden and adjoining rock of the Gorleben salt dome. Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaft und Rohstoffe. Download (4.26 MB) URL BibTeX

    	location = "Hannover",
    	title = "Description of the Gorleben site. Part 2: Geology of the ovberburden and adjoining rock of the Gorleben salt dome",
    	url = "http://www.schweizerbart.de/9783510959631",
    	pages = 229,
    	institution = "Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaft und Rohstoffe",
    	author = "Köthe, Angelika and Hoffmann, Norbert and Krull, Paul and Zirngast, Max and Zwirner, Rainer",
    	date = 2007,
    	langid = "english",
    	note = "{ISBN} 978-3-510-95963-1",
    	file = "Description_Gorleben_Part2_Geology-overburden-adjoining rock_en.pdf:files/479/Description_Gorleben_Part2_Geology-overburden-adjoining rock_en.pdf:application/pdf"
  52. Klinge, H., Boehme, J., Grissemann, C., Houben, G., Ludwig, R.-R., Rübel, A., Schelkes, K., Schildknecht, F., Suckow, A., 2007 .Description of the Gorleben site. Part 1: Hydrogeology of the overburden of the Gorleben salt dome. Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaft und Rohstoffe. Download (4.16 MB) URL BibTeX

    	location = "Hannover",
    	title = "Description of the Gorleben site. Part 1: Hydrogeology of the overburden of the Gorleben salt dome",
    	url = "http://www.schweizerbart.de/9783510959624",
    	pages = 153,
    	institution = "Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaft und Rohstoffe",
    	author = "Klinge, Hans and Boehme, Jens and Grissemann, Christoph and Houben, Georg and Ludwig, Rolf-Rüdiger and Rübel, André and Schelkes, Klaus and Schildknecht, Friedrich and Suckow, Axel",
    	date = 2007,
    	langid = "english",
    	note = "{ISBN} 978-3-510-95962-4",
    	file = "Description_Gorleben_Part1_Hydrogeology_overburden_en.pdf:files/478/Description_Gorleben_Part1_Hydrogeology_overburden_en.pdf:application/pdf"
  53. Günther, R.-M., Minkley, W., Salzer, K., 2007 .Die Modellierung des mechanischen Verhaltens von Steinsalz: Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen; Teilprojekt 3, Teil I: Erweiterter Dehnungs-Verfestigungsansatz. Number B IfG 20/2004, IfG Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH. Download (4.5 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Leipzig",
    	title = "Die Modellierung des mechanischen Verhaltens von Steinsalz: Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen; Teilprojekt 3, Teil I: Erweiterter Dehnungs-Verfestigungsansatz",
    	pages = 125,
    	number = "B {IfG} 20/2004",
    	institution = "{IfG} Institut für Gebirgsmechanik {GmbH}",
    	author = "Günther, Ralf-Michael and Minkley, Wolfgang and Salzer, Klaus",
    	date = 2007,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02C1024",
    	file = "2007_Stoffmodellvergleich_IfG-GS.pdf:files/414/2007_Stoffmodellvergleich_IfG-GS.pdf:application/pdf"
  54. Hampel, A., Schulze, O., Heemann, U., Zetsche, F., Günther, R.-M., Salzer, K., Minkley, W., Hou, Z., Wolters, R., Düsterloh, U., Zapf, D., Rokahr, R., Pudewills, A., 2007 .Die Modellierung des mechanischen Verhaltens von Steinsalz: Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen – Synthesebericht –. Download (30.49 MB) BibTeX

    	title = "Die Modellierung des mechanischen Verhaltens von Steinsalz: Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen – Synthesebericht –",
    	pages = 167,
    	author = "Hampel, A. and Schulze, O. and Heemann, U. and Zetsche, F. and Günther, R.-M. and Salzer, K. and Minkley, W. and Hou, Z. and Wolters, R. and Düsterloh, U. and Zapf, D. and Rokahr, R. and Pudewills, A.",
    	date = 2007,
    	note = "{FKZ} 02C1004 bis 02C1054",
    	file = "2007_Stoffmodellvergleich_Synthesebericht.pdf:files/416/2007_Stoffmodellvergleich_Synthesebericht.pdf:application/pdf"
  55. Czaikowski, O., Friedenberg, L., Wieczorek, K., Mueller-Hoeppe, N., Lerch, C., Eickemeier, R., Laurich, B., Liu, W., Struehrenberg, D., Svensson, K., Zemke, K., Lüdeling, C., Popp, T., Bean, J., Mills, M., Reedlunn, B., Duesterloh, U., Lerche, S., Zhao, J., 2020-10-01 .KOMPASS: Compaction of crushed salt for the safe containment. Number GRS-608. Download (18.59 MB) URL, DOI BibTeX

    	title = "{KOMPASS}: Compaction of crushed salt for the safe containment",
    	url = "https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1717883/",
    	shorttitle = "{KOMPASS}",
    	number = "{GRS}-608",
    	author = "Czaikowski, Oliver and Friedenberg, Larissa and Wieczorek, Klaus and Mueller-Hoeppe, Nina and Lerch, Christian and Eickemeier, Ralf and Laurich, Ben and Liu, Wenting and Struehrenberg, Dieter and Svensson, Kristoff and Zemke, Kornelia and Lüdeling, Christoph and Popp, Till and Bean, James and Mills, Melissa and Reedlunn, Benjamin and Duesterloh, Uwe and Lerche, Svetlana and Zhao, Juan",
    	urldate = "2024-05-23",
    	date = "2020-10-01",
    	langid = "english",
    	doi = "10.2172/1717883",
    	note = "{FKZ} 02E11708",
    	file = "Czaikowski et al. - 2020 - KOMPASS Compaction of crushed salt for the safe c.pdf:files/348/Czaikowski et al. - 2020 - KOMPASS Compaction of crushed salt for the safe c.pdf:application/pdf"
  56. Günther, R.-M., Minkley, W., Salzer, K., Die Modellierung des mechanischen Verhaltens von Steinsalz: Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen; Teilprojekt 3, Teil II: Visko - Elasto - Plastisches Stoffmodell. Number B IfG 20/2004, IfG Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH. Download (4.97 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Leipzig",
    	title = "Die Modellierung des mechanischen Verhaltens von Steinsalz: Vergleich aktueller Stoffgesetze und Vorgehensweisen; Teilprojekt 3, Teil {II}: Visko - Elasto - Plastisches Stoffmodell",
    	pages = 128,
    	number = "B {IfG} 20/2004",
    	institution = "{IfG} Institut für Gebirgsmechanik {GmbH}",
    	author = "Günther, Ralf-Michael and Minkley, Wolfgang and Salzer, Klaus",
    	note = "{FKZ} 02C1024",
    	file = "2007_Stoffmodellvergleich_IfG-Mi.pdf:files/412/2007_Stoffmodellvergleich_IfG-Mi.pdf:application/pdf"
  57. Liu, W., Völkner, E., Minkley, W., Popp, T., Zusammenstellung der Materialparameter für THM-Modellberechnungen: Ergebnisse aus dem Vorhaben KOSINA. Number 9Y2015010000, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaft und Rohstoffe. Download (3.61 MB) BibTeX

    	location = "Hannover",
    	title = "Zusammenstellung der Materialparameter für {THM}-Modellberechnungen: Ergebnisse aus dem Vorhaben {KOSINA}",
    	pages = 89,
    	number = "9Y2015010000",
    	institution = "Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaft und Rohstoffe",
    	author = "Liu, Wenting and Völkner, Eike and Minkley, Wolfgang and Popp, Till",
    	file = "KOSINA_2017-12-01_kosina_materialparameter_fuer_thm_modellberechnungen.pdf:files/400/KOSINA_2017-12-01_kosina_materialparameter_fuer_thm_modellberechnungen.pdf:application/pdf"
  58. Kahnt, R., Konietzky, H., Radünz, A., Sichler, T., Teichert, T., Graner, T., Grünert, F., Lüdeling, C., Nest, M., Bestel, M., Barsch, M., Herrmann, C., Keese, H., Nagel, T., Verfüllung und Verschluss von geologischen Endlagern: Bewertung des aktuellen Kenntnisstandes zu Verfüll- und Verschlussmaterialien sowie Konzepten (VergE). Abschlussbericht BASE-016/23. Download (12.99 MB) BibTeX

    	title = "Verfüllung und Verschluss von geologischen Endlagern: Bewertung des aktuellen Kenntnisstandes zu Verfüll- und Verschlussmaterialien sowie Konzepten ({VergE})",
    	url = "urn:nbn:de:0221-2023111440243",
    	number = "{BASE}-016/23",
    	type = "Abschlussbericht",
    	author = "Kahnt, R. and Konietzky, H. and Radünz, A. and Sichler, T. and Teichert, T. and Graner, T. and Grünert, F. and Lüdeling, C. and Nest, M. and Bestel, M. and Barsch, M. and Herrmann, C. and Keese, H. and Nagel, T.",
    	langid = "german",
    	note = "{FKZ} 4720F10301",
    	file = "Kahnt et al. - Verfüllung und Verschluss von geologischen Endlage.pdf:files/394/Kahnt et al. - Verfüllung und Verschluss von geologischen Endlage.pdf:application/pdf"